Ep:3 [A Helping Hand]

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Walking down the path, scrolling through your phone, you made your way to the dorms section of the school.

You recently moved in the school dorms due to the unnecessary fights taking place at your home. There is something your parents and Jisoo are hiding from which you really want to know, but it just so happens that they won't tell you.

It's been a year!

Irritated by the regular fights, you decided to move here. Perhaps, sharing a room with a schoolmate, definitely seemed better to you. Staying at home while listening to your parents scream unnecessarily, would just anger you and you were already getting stroppy enough.

Even though you don't talk to a lot of people, you can at least count on Taehyung for help; he lives in the school dorms too since his parents stay overseas for business. It was Taehyung who recommended the school dorms to stay in.

"204, 205, 206.... Ha! 207. I'm here", you opened the door with the key the principal gave you today morning while handing you this room.

Sliding your suitcase at the side of the closet, you flop on the bed staring up at the ceiling. "I wonder what their hiding from me", you mumble.

Knock Knock

Who is it?

That too your room?

You opened the door to see who it was, but not even a millisecond and someone pounced on you like a lion pouncing on a deer. The only difference is, this person pounced for a hug. A very tight hug.

"You finally moved in!"

"Y-you're chocking me", you say, amidst the tight hug.

"Oh, sorry", said Taehyung, giggling slightly.

You invited Taehyung inside your 'new' home.

"So, like it?", He said sitting on your bed. It was a single-bed room, a room for only one person.

"I love it! It's peaceful, unlike my place", you said placing yourself next to him.

"Guess what?–" Taehyung said taking a pause,"–My room is on the same floor! Room no. 201. You can come in whenever you want to. You're always welcome in my room."

Giggling on his adorable nature, you nodded in agreement.

Taehyung helped you unpack since it was a Saturday and you didn't have school (of course). "If you need anything, come to my room", with that he left giving one last smile (for the day).

Lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling you slowly drifted off to sleep, peacefully going into your own world of solicitous-ness.


Your eyes shuttered a bit before opening due to the sharp rays of sunlight. Lazily getting off the bed you walked to the bathroom. Rubbing you right eye, you looked in the mirror seeing the bird's nest made out of your hair.

Brushing your teeth, your eye catches the bruise on your forearm your father had given probably a year ago during a fight between Jisoo and your parents when you had tried to ask the agenda of the stupid fight. The bruise still looked fresh, as if it were given yesterday. It wasn't your fault after all. You were just trying to know.

That can't be bad right?

Splashing the cold tap-water on your face, you make your way out of the bathroom. "It's a Sunday. I can chill out and just potato the whole day." You said feeling proud on how lazy you are and how well you are at being a couch potato on weekends.

But that moment of pride was destroyed by a 'buzz' on your phone. "Ugh! I can never live in peace!"

Tapping on the notification, you check who disturbed you at this moment of pride. Thoughts of murder flooded your mind because that person just ruined your day of self-space and delight.

But looking at who it was, did nothing but draw a smile on your face.

It was Taehyung.

He wanted to know if you were fine with hanging out today till lunch and then come back in the late afternoon.

Of course.

How could you not be fine. The sweetest guy asked for a hangout, your best friend asked for it. You would do anything for him. Even if it comes to take a trillion or infinite bullets.

It was already 9:30 am by now so, you agreed texting ‘Ok sure. Meet me at the school cafeteria’.

Jumping off your bed, you made your way to the closet choosing a simple yellow hoodie that read ‘SAVAGE’ and blue denims that matches perfectly with your skin tone and personality.

You locked the door, brushing your fingers through your hair one last time as you made your way to the cafeteria.

You looked cheerful, unlike the other weekends where you have to get up all annoyed to the melodious sound of your mother screaming at you. Maybe because this time you were with Taehyung? After all he never lets go of any chances of making you smile even to the tiniest bit. He's a very special person for you and like mentioned before–you would even take an infinite bullets for him.

But again unfortunately, you bumped into someone. He looked older, maybe a 4th year student. Blonde hair, fair skin, pink lips, dark eyes.

"Sorry", you said bowing a bit since he was older. Well that's what you thought.

"Watch where you're going next time, fool", he said as he started walking away, taking large sips of his coffee.

Oh no he didn't.

He did not just call you, a fool.

"Excuse me?! I'm not a fool! And I apologized, so you do not have the right to insult me like that! You blonde-headed crackpot!" You spit these words out without even realising that.

"Is that how you talk to a senior?!" He said turning around to face you.

Uh oh.

Bad Y/N. What did you just do?!

Big mistake.

"I'm sorry for the way she talked. Please excuse her." The deep, soothing voice spoke from behind.

He is an angel.

How does he always get to know when you're in trouble?

"Hm. I'll let you go this time", the blonde replied, going away, sipping his coffee. "You better watch that mouth of yours Kim Y/n.", Taehyung spoke strictly.

"Ok sir." You replied mockingly and you both made your way inside the cafeteria.

And again—
Kim Taehyung saves you from another serious situation. May God bless him keep him happy because he deserves all the good stuff on Earth.

He is one amazing helping hand you would keep clean and loved.

To Be Continued...

This was a Taehyung focused chapter, but please keep reading. And you have anything to say, you can mention in the comments. I'll try my best to satisfy you 😊.

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