Ep:7 [The Flashback]

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Four Years Later—

Sitting at your desk, clicking your pen, you sat there quietly working on the papers your boss gave you. Rather, your dad gave you.

You are 23 years old and you work for your father's company. In fact, you are the only one who works here. All the freaking work in the office is done by you, helped by Taehyung.

That's right. Taehyung works here too. He works along with you. You both sit side-by each other in office. 

Your friendship is unbreakable. Taehyung is always there for you. Neither did he protect you in college, but also protects you here. There were times where colleagues tried to fraud you in various cases, but Taehyung always helped you for paybacks. There wasn't one time Taehyung didn't help. He is an angel.

There were times when it felt that it was all a dream and you would wake up anytime; but if it was, you never wanted to wake up. Life was very magical with Taehyung. You both never had any sort of erotic or sexually attractive feelings for each other, but love existed.

Unconditional love existed. No matter where you both were, how you looked, your love for each other would never subside. You both were inseparable.

You were typing on the computer when an announcement took place.

‘‘ Kim Y/n report to the CEO's cabin. ’’

What now?

Sighing heavily, you make your way to the CEO's cabin (aka. your dad's cabin). Entering the cabin, you see your mom seated excitedly with smile that reaches both her ears.

"What is it?" You say, demanding for an answer. "Sit." You father orders.

Placing yourself on the chair next to mom, you wait for your father to continue. He has a somewhat scared expression plastered on his cold face.

"You have to understand-" he pauses to what it seemed like 'gather the courage' to talk to you. "We're going to get you married."


"Excuse me?" You speak in disbelief. This can't be happening! Just NO! How could they even dare to? Did they forget what happened with Jisoo? "No. I'm not doing it." What happened four years ago, can't repeat itself. You won't go through it.

"Well, honey, we haven't asked you, and secondly, It's fixed already, so can't help." Your mom said, recalcitrant of listening to anyone.

Your anger was off limits now. Can humans really be so cruel, or is it just them?

Did they forget how many tears you shredded because of the past? Did they forget that you were on verge of suiciding? Is anyone on Earth so heartless?

Tears flowed down your pink cheeks. Clips of the past played in your mind.



"No!" Jisoo yelled at the two cold-hearted maniacs standing in front of her.

"We're not asking you, love, we're telling you, so no changes." Replied your parents, fiercely staring into her eyes.

Though it had been quite a long time Jisoo had been meeting Dae-sung, she wasn't still comfortable with the whole marriage thing.

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