Ep:14 [I Hate You]

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Just enough.

He crossed limits.

You stood there glaring at the man who just insulted you as if you never deserved to live.

You're just like a dog who's been tamed for protection. You don't have any real value.

You stared at him with utmost rage and fury. How can someone be so cruel? So heartless. It's not only him who hates you, you do too. But you've learned to love him. You've started to love him. Can't he love you you back? Or maybe just sympathize!

"How dare you", you said, finally bringing out the words which were choked inside your throat. A tear of vexation leaves your eye as you look at him.

"Well I dared so", he says smirking.

"If I'm a dog, then you are one too. It's not only me who was being forced, you were too. The only difference is- I'm matured enough to adapt myself to this state. You're just immature." You say with your voice low but emotions perfectly coming out.

Jungkook's eyes become darker than ever. Pure outrage is seen in his eyes. His sigh spreads a scabrous feel. He steps ahead towards you which makes you feel obnoxious. The atmosphere has an unpleasant feeling. The aura is grievous. Jungkook's gaze at you is the one of a remorseless being.

"How dare you call me immature?" He questions as his anger increases. "Well I dared so", you say.

He steps back. He looks at you and then smirks. "We'll play this together. You wanna prove yourself strong, we'll see about that. But remember- there is one place, where you'll always be weak." Jungkook says.


You snort. "I'm stronger than you can imagine. I'm braver than you think of me. And I know it because I'm much more sophisticated and mature than you are. Take it from me."

"You're impuissant." Jungkook snarls,"You can only cry over the loss you face. You can't fight for yourself. Neither did you fight when you were younger, nor can you now."

Every word he spits hits like an arrow. He's pointing out the miserable moments. He's bringing back those woeful memories. You quieten upon his words. Flashbacks play in your mind. You drop yourself on the couch.

You feel vulnerable. You feel unfortified; while Jungkook stands there, snot-nosed that he succeeded in causing you the sorrow he planned to.

A waterfall of tears flows from your eyes.

"You're weak Y/n." He says.

"I hate you." You mumble as he leaves the cottage.


To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.

Thanks to all those who are reading this FF. It really means a lot. Follow me for further updates. This update was a fast one but the upcoming ones might take little time.

Keep reading.


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