Ep:8 [The Shocking Meet]

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"I'm home." You said, tiredly sitting on the sofa, taking out your shoes.

Your mother entered from the kitchen excitedly with a glass of water in her hand. She handed you the glass saying,"We have to go for a meet, get ready."

You sigh and go to your room. It's been a week since the whole marriage discussion, rather argument and still, your parents are forcing you to do it.

You go to the bathroom to get your mind refreshed and calmed in order to pretend to be docile when you go meet that family.


You change into a black dress that you feel is very un-needed at the moment, but again, no other option. Coming down from your room after some time, you are greeted by both of your parents. By the way your mom had dressed up, it looked as if she was the one getting married.

Well you wish so.


You stand in front of a big mansion as your mind exercises the thoughts on how your ‘husband’ will be. Tall, short, mean, nice, responsible, abusive? How will he be?

The door is opened by a servant as you are lead into the house with your parents in front of you. It was huge!

Entering the living room, you are greeted by a woman with large doe eyes and a man with a perfectly carved out jawline. They both had resemblance with someone, but you couldn't guess the person.

"This might be Y/n-" the lady said changing her gaze towards you. "How are you?" She continued.

She seemed nice and considerate, unlike your parents. She was the type of mother who would never even raise her voice at her children; just pamper them.

"I'm fine", you said sounding as polite as you can. "I'll call my son." She said and told one of her servants to do so.

You all sat down on the couch, with your parents talking to their business partners. "So, Jeon, tell me something about your son." Your father spoke gaining your attention since your curiosity was increasing to meet your forced-to-be husband.

Jeon? That sounds familiar...

"Well, he was a heartthrob in high school and college. He has the eyes of his mother and the masculinity of his father." Mr.Jeon said proud of his statement.

Your intuition was telling you that something weird was about to happen. Something very unexpected and shocking.

"Mrs.Jeon, master is here." The servant told as all the focus shifted to the man coming down the stairs.

Tall, black hair falling perfectly on the shining forehead, muscles popping out of the expensive lined tuxedo, very handsome.

As he travelled towards the mini crowd seated on the couch, while fixing his tie, your eyes locked on him.



His jawline was precisely carving out the handsomeness of his face. He was the heartthrob of high school. His brown doe eyes showing miniscule amount of cuteness while his nose showing sass.

It was him.

It was Jeon Jungkook.

But when his eyes fell on you, he had the same expression as you. Utter shock.

With both mouths dropped, you both stared at each other in revelation. It was as if you were to die the death of a dog. Well maybe even dogs have better deaths.

"We'll leave you two for some further communication." Jungkook's mother said cutely before all four parents disappeared into the big mansion.

‘ Further communication my butt. ’’

This was your thought. Sighing a devastated sigh, you sat on the cream coloured couch, accompanied by Jungkook.

Seated there for a couple of moments, both of you tried to analyse what had just happened, until Jungkook tried to break the silence.

"Why did you agree to this?" He asked, out of the blue.

Wait, WHAT?!

"I was forced!" You replied stressing the word forced. Jungkook snorted, showing that he didn't believe it. "I was the one being forced", he said "-I was told that you agreed for it with your own will."

I repeat, WHAT?!

"That's what my parents told me!" You protested. Is this really true? Did your parents lie to you? Well they can, they're hooligans.

"I hate you", Jungkook said again.

"Like I care", was your reply.

This is horrible! You're getting married to someone you have hated to the infinity and beyond. Why is life so cruel?! Why is it happening with only you and Jisoo?! Why not someone else? Why does lord have to be so mean?

This might be a bit boring, but please keep reading it.
If you have any concerns, you can always post a message, I'll try my best to answer.

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