Ep:16 [Little Weird]

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Today was the day. This was the day. Today Jimin was to be engaged with Mina. Today Jimin would be officially Mina's.

But little did you know, there was a change.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Jungkook yelled across the cottage searching for you. "What?" You said from the kitchen. "There's a problem." He said, nervousness reflecting from him.

It's definitely about me. You thought.

"What happened?" You asked. "Jimin's engagement got postponed." Confusion filled every inch of you. Yesterday they seemed happy enough, what happened now?. "Why?" You asked with the confusion increasing.

"Well, Mina wanted to spend some time with us." Jungkook frowned as he turned pale. "Us?" Your eyebrows met. "Mina said she wanted to spend time with Jungkook and Y/n since she found us a cute couple and wanted to know about us." Jungkook said making kiddish faces and mocking voices. You stuck your lips together as your cheekbones raised and you tried to stop laughing at his expressions.

"What?" Jungkook said with a poker face. You burst out not able to control anymore. "Your face", you said in between the laughter.

He turned red out of the humiliation and embarrassment. "Wh-whatever", he said before going back into his room.


You walked around the resort looking for your husband. The man was out for hours and was nowhere to be found.

It was almost night and Jungkook was gone. You went to the reception, to the restaurant and every other part of the resort.

Hopeless, it clicked your mind to check at the beach. You ran the red tiles of the resort, reaching the beach.

There he is.

You stepped ahead when you saw a girl standing in front of him. Her black hair shimmered in the moonlight. It covered her face. In a snap of the finger, you found her hugging Jungkook. Jungkook slowly brought his hands up to her back returning the hug.

Your heart tattered. It broke into a million pieces. A dry tear fell from your eye. Your nose wriggled with a tingling feeling signalling that you were gonna break down.

It was like a movie. The climax starring the lead characters meeting each other and looking at each other with promising eyes.

A bitter smile formed on your face and you were decisive to go back to the cottage.

He looks happy.

If only I could see her face. If only her hair didn't cover her face, I'd go congratulate them. At least he has someone he loves. At least he understands the emotion of love.


Next morning-

You rose from the bed heading to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, eyeing every inch of your body.

"You're my princess Y/n. You're much more than perfect"

Taehyung's words played in your mind. "I don't think I am", you muttered.

Heading down to the living room, you sat on the couch. You didn't feel like cooking today. You went upstairs and changed into a simple blue dress that came up to your thighs. Good and not too revealing.

You went to the restaurant since you decided to have breakfast there.

Upon reaching there, you grabbed a plate and took few sausages and hams and a croissant.

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