Ep: 34 [Seductive Secretary]

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You skip across the office corridors, smiling like a little child. Brushing your hairs with your fingers, you enter you cabin, opposite to Jungkook's.

You twist the doorknob, entering your cabin. You take a fresh breath as you head to your desk.

The white telephone placed next to the black desktop kept at the center. A vase with fresh flowers kept at the leftmost corner. A pen stand next to the black desktop.

You keep the coffee mug on the coaster as you recieve a call on the vanilla coloured telephone.


"You are four minutes late for work. I hope you have a good explanation for that." Says the deep voice from the other line.

Your face brights up upon hearing that voice. It's been almost a month you haven't heard of your little meme.

"Taehyung! You're back!" You cheer, getting up from your seat.

"Oh god! I shouldn't have called you." He says again, killing the smile on your face.

"You little–"

"Hehe, sorry." He chuckles on the other line. "How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good. What about your leg?" You sit back on the leather chair.

"You're stupid." He says.


"I would not have come to the office if my leg wasn't fine." He explains.

"You didn't have to be so mean you know." You say looking down.

Before he can reply, you hear a knock on the door so you decide to keep the phone. "I'll talk to you later."

You keep the vanilla coloured device as you head to the door.

"Good morning!" Cheers Taehyung standing at the doorstep.

You giggle as he enters. "I'm surprised." You say.

"In that case, my plan worked." He smiles.

That boxy smile of his brightens you up. His eyes form curved crescents on either sides as he smiles. You can see his cheekbones pop out with the smile.

"Come sit." You offer as you both head to your desk.

"So, I need you to see something." He says as he sits down.

You were so caught up in the joy of meeting him, that you didn't notice him carrying his laptop all way here.

He keeps it on the desk as he logs in. His fingers play with the keys as if he is playing a piano. Within the next few seconds, you can see a screen in front of you that has flow-charts on it.

"What's this?" You ask.

"We have a new assignment. We have to provide materials to some other company and the approval for it hasn't come yet." He says, sighing.

"The approval section says that there is still some space for a little modification." He continues.

You study the flow-chart carefully.

"We have tried everything, still can't help it. Maybe if you could do something? Or even take a little help from Jungkook." He asks.

"Don't worry. We'll do it." You smile at him.

He returns it with his forever vivacious and discerning smile. He gets up from the chair as you do so too. "Thank you Y/n."

"You're stupid. Why are you thanking me?" You say giving him a cheeky pout. He chuckles in return as you both head towards the door.

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