Ep:22 [First Day Of Hell]

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"Welcome home?" You said softly.


"I'm hungry." Jimin said sitting on the couch.

"I want to take a look at the house." Said Mina looking around.

Both, Jungkook and you, nervously looked at each other until you decided to speak. "How about, I show Jimin his room and Jungkook you give Mina a tour of the house?"

Jungkook looked at you with a poker face. The expression then turned to vulnerability and guilt. Again.

Seriously, what's up with that expression of his? You thought.

"Seems fine to me. Let's go shall we?" Jimin spoke. You slightly nodded, passing a smile, you headed to the guest room.

It was quite big. Well didn't seem like a guest room. It was pretty comfortable. Jimin smiled taking a look at the room. "It's beautiful." He said. You tossed a smile in response.


"So, Y/n huh? You're choices have dropped to be honest." Mina commented narcissistically. "Well this is our backyard." Jungkook pointed towards the small but sweet garden connected to the kitchen, completely ignoring the senseless comment passed just now. "Changing the topic it seems. Well of course you would, I'm right after all." Mina said again, enraging Jungkook. He chose to ignore it.

"She seems like a gold digger to me. She's chasing you for money." She said again, this time making Jungkook reply.

"Aren't you doing the same Mina? Chasing Jimin hyung for money." He replied taking out a few crockeries.

Her face turned pale. Slowly, the expression of vexation took over. And by the corner of his eye, Jungkook noticed. He continued,"You only want money."

"Y/n seems stupider." Mina bluntly said. "She's better than you though. She isn't very clingy, neither is she a gold digger like you." Retorted Jungkook.


What's going on? You thought.

While Jimin had gone to take a shower, you decided to go down and set the table for lunch; but then you heard Jungkook and Mina talk. The curious you decided to eavesdrop.

You heard the whole conversation. It was extremely shocking to hear Jungkook supporting you, but another thing clicked your mind- what is Mina talking about? I mean, how does she know about Jungkook's choices dropping?

"Hello." You say walking into the kitchen. Pretending to be unaware of the recent conversation, you set the table for lunch. "Jungkook can you call Jimin oppa?" You said still setting the table. He nodded and went upstairs. "Sit." You offered Mina. She accepted the offer.

"So, how's life with Jungkook?" She asked out of the blue. "Better than I can imagine." You replied. She nodded as the two men came down. Jimin was still drenched. "So what's for lunch?" He asked smiling.

"Black noodles, rice porridge and kimchi." You said. He smiled sheepishly before sitting and started to eat.

The lunch was going quiet with Mina taking small glances at Jungkook.

She finally looked up, breaking the silence.

"So, how long have you been together?" She blurted out. "A year." Jungkook answered nonchalantly. You looked at him, surprised by his honesty. It really had been a year to your marriage. "That's nice." She said and you all went back to eating.

Mina, being herself, again broke the moment of peace. "How did it all start?" She asked with a sly smirk. "Why are you so bothered?" Jimin prompted, causing you to leave out a slight giggle. "I met Y/n at a party. We talked and as time passed we came together." Said Jungkook.

Mina was noticed with an angry face. As if it was bothering her.


Time passed by you were greeted by the evening. Jimin and Mina sat on the couch watching TV. Jungkook on the other hand, sat on the kitchen island, looking at Jimin and Mina. You came into the kitchen for snacks when you spotted him staring at them.

He sighed with the same expression of guilt and vulnerability. He looked up, meeting your eyes. "Uhm, hi?" You said picking up a pack of bourbon biscuits.

He went to the backyard, completely ignoring your presence.

What's with him? You thought.

Curiosity played it's role, and you followed Jungkook to the backyard.

He was seated on one of the benches.

The moonlight hit his face as he stared at the moon. He was blank. Almost seemed invisible. It felt as if you could pass a finger through his face without him even noticing.

You went up to him and sat next to him.

After sometime, he looked at you.

"What?" His voice gave no emotions.

"What? I can't sit next to my husband?" You raised an eyebrow. He smiled softly.

And yet again, he gave the face of vulnerability and guilt.

You sighed.

Before you could speak, he tossed a statement.

"When you look at the moon, do you realize that it has such a rough terrain? It seems flawless from here, like a ball of cotton– soft and warm; but when you go close, you see the craters." He said.

"People are the same Y/n. Good from outside, nasty from inside. They're mean." He finished.

You were shocked. In this while year of marriage, you never saw him like this. You never saw him leaving out emotions.

This very moment, he was speaking the language of disappointment.

He looked at you, then asked,"What?"

"You're right." Was the only thing that came out of you.

The atmosphere again turned silent.

But your train of thoughts, increased it's speed.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" You asked, concern in your voice.

He sighed, bringing back the face of vulnerability and guilt. His sigh, expressed woe.

"Well..." He paused.

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
YESS!!!! I finally made an update! Omo omo! I'm so glad.
BTW, tell me how this chapter is.

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