Ep:5 [You Can't Avoid Me]

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For your precious life....Run.

"Ahhhh!" You screamed running across the hallway.

"Why is the hallway so freaking big!!" You kept running trying to get away from those chowder-headed (senseless) crazy fangirls.

Running further, you reached the rooftop. Hiding behind the door, you heard Eunji, the leader of the three member gang speak,"You can't hide Kim Y/N. Come out."

Pfft. Come out? To get beaten up? NEVER!

When she was far enough, you took the chance and ran from the rooftop, entering the same hallway.

Reaching the end, you realised you were in front of the boys washroom.

What now?

Sighing heavily, you entered the boys washroom hiding near the sinks.

"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke from behind.

Can this day get any worse?

You looked behind to see none other than Jeon Jungkook.

"Are you some type of pervert, trying to sneak into the boys washroom?" He spoke again, a bit louder.

You covered his mouth with your hand with the intention of shutting that disturbing mouth. His eyes widened a bit. You realised that you just touched him.

"Eww! The Jerkook's germs came into my hand!" You whisper-yelled so that no one heard you.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

Just then you heard heavy footsteps, as if someone was running.

"Oh boy!" You said pinning yourself to the wall like a lizard. "What's going on?" Jungkook asked softly.

"Your vacuous fangirls are chasing me because of the fake rumours about us that came out recently." You replied, still sticking to the wall.

"I wonder how they came out." You said again with a thoughtful expression.

"I did it" Jungkook replied looking away. "I hate you!" You responded angrily, but with a low voice.

"I can help you though." Jungkook said making you look at him. "How?" "By letting you escape from the girls", he spoke casually. "Okay then." You said.

He exited the washroom to be greeted by Eunji and her minions. "What are you doing in front of the boys washroom?" Jungkook asked her. "I'm going to break your girlfriend into pieces since your mine Jungkook." Eunji replied seductively. With that she tried to step in but Jungkook stopped her again. "You aren't supposed to be entering the boys washroom Eunji."

Eunji tried again but failed since Jungkook stopped her again. "I said you can't get in there." He said again. "Is Y/N in there?" She asked. "No." He replied.

Eunji headed towards the stairs when you ran out of the boys washroom but unfortunately Eunji heard you, following you.

The scene was like a pride of lions chasing a deer. The deer running for it's life, skipping everywhere and the lions chasing it to subside their hunger.

You ran non-stop breathing hard while Eunji kept chasing you.

You reached the library and hid behind one of the shelves, curling up into a ball.

"Kim Y/N. There's no one in here. Come out. You can't hide."

No response.

"Lock the door." Eunji commanded. Seoyong, one of her minions obeyed her order.

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