Ep:13 [What's with Jungkook?]

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You woke up in the morning, glancing at the clock to see it ticking freely as if it never faced any problems in life. Well of course, it was a machine. Times like this made you wish that you never would be a human. Only if you were a machine. If you stopped working, you would either be fixed or thrown. But never tortured. No cruel parents, no annoying husband, no lonely life. Just few moments of living.

Making your way to the bathroom of your so called 'cottage', you contorted the doorknob as you entered.

You brushed your teeth and changed into a pair of black track pants and a grey plain t-shirt. Tying your hair into a ponytail, you went down to the small kitchen to make Jungkook and yourself breakfast.

You cracked the eggs on the edge of the pan as you poured the egg white and yolk on the pan. You repeated the process with another egg.

On an other pan you made the pancakes. Intermingling flour, eggs and milk, you made the batter of the pancakes. Then you made four pancakes out of the batter and topped them one upon the other as you gave the finishing by adding syrup.

You put two bread pieces in the toaster and fried them since that's what Jungkook always preferred for breakfast- eggs and bread.

You arranged small dining table with the food placed precisely on it. Forks and spoons kept of the left, a glass of water placed on the right of the plate of eggs and bread.

You went to Jungkook's room and knocked the door,"Wake up Jungkook."

You tried again for a few times but there was no response.

Tired of waiting, you entered the room to see it empty. There was no sign of Jungkook.


"Where is he?" You said as you exited the room and went downstairs. Hopeless of any signs of Jungkook, you started eating your breakfast.

After finishing, you washed the dishes and kept the plate with eggs in the microwave, in case it came in use later.

You went outside to the beach and sat aside under a tree. You looked at the crowd at the beach. There weren't many people since it was resort for the rich and not many could afford it. Females sitting aside and chatting while the men playing beach games.

Not far enough, you spotted a couple sitting hand in hand with each other. Their smile not fading at all. Their laughter just increasing the love. Their eye-contact not breaking at all.

You had always wished to be in this state too. You always wanted someone who would hold your hand tightly and never let go of it. Someone who would look into your eyes and tell you that you were perfect. Someone who'll always make you smile when you frowned.

But here you were, stuck with someone who hated you. Stuck woth Jungkook. Stuck with the man who never even showed any kind of sympathy. A heartless man.

It had almost been a year to this marriage now and you found yourself falling for him. There was a time when you had thought of him nothing more than a nasty boy. You hated him at one time. But things changed now. These few months of marriage let you see things you didn't see back then. The way he smirked before firing his employees, the way he always sighed before meetings. It all seemed captivating to you.

Auntie Soo was right,

"the more of hatred, the more the love"

You were so lost in the couple, that you hadn't noticed that you were sitting there for a hour now.

A phone call snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at the caller-ID to be greeted by the name of Jungkook.

You picked up the call.

"Where are you?" He spoke. For a moment your heart told you that he was concerned, that he was worried, but at the same time, your mind told you that he just wanted something. "I'm coming", you replied as you went back to the cottage.

Upon reaching the door, you found it open. You entered to see Jungkook sitting on the sofa. "Where were you?" He said with no emotion. "At the beach", you said. "Where's my breakfast?" He said. You felt your heart shatter. You felt it get tattered. He calls you for breakfast, not for...you.

"It's in the microwave, I'll heat it for you." You said as you did the same.

You kept the plate in front of him as he placed himself on the chair. You watched him eat. He seemed hungry. His eyes were dark as always and expressed nothing. His hair fell on his forehead which made him look cute.

He finished and directly went to his room without saying a word to you.


If only he loved you back. If only he knew you loved him. If only he didn't hate you.

Wait.... Why does he hate you?

Since elementary school, you never knew why he hated you. If anything happened, he would blame you. He always caused you trouble and always found of ways to put you down. But you never knew why. You hated him back because he used to treat you like garbage. As if you were a slum dog. You always wanted to know what was up with him. But you never really got to know.

Even now.. he's treating you like a servant. Ordering, commanding, hating.

Everyday he talks of divorce, every minute he talks of hatred. Every word, every sentence only transmits hate and disgust. Not one moment till date where you felt he can sympathize. When he can be nice; when he can love.

Sighing heavily, you went up to your room.

You took out your diary from your bag. You carried everywhere. You liked writing down your feelings.

Pain has no limits,
It's hurtful,
It's heart breaking.

My tears are like dry leaves,
They are as unimportant as dead leaves,
Everyone steps on them,
But no one really cares.

A dry tear left your eye while writing this.

You weren't someone who fell for people. But if you did, you fell hard. Till now the only person you've liked is Jungkook and what you get in return is hate.

You kept your book aside as you switched off the lights and curled up on your bed. You shut your eyes slowly as you thought of Jungkook and your life ahead.

If he'll ever get feelings for you or will he just end up with divorce.

You want to be close with him...but with the way he acts;

You just don't know, what's with Jungkook.

Unedited Chapter.
The next chapter will be short so sorry if you find it bad. I'll try to entertain you further.

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