Ep:2 [Classroom Trouble]

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"What the heck in hell is this?! Who dared to do this?!"

"We did it", Taehyung and you spoke in sync but soft enough for no one to hear.

While everyone was busy laughing and reacting to the flower boy, Taehyung managed to throw his pudding at Jungkook, which surprisingly hit the jerk's head.

"Wow! I'm shocked it actually went." You said in a normal voice and luckily no one heard you.

"I'm a genius." Taehyung said, proud of himself.

"Yeah that's why you get extra classes for Chemistry." You taunted. 

"Chemistry is just not my type. So stop taunting me!" Taehyung snapped. "Perhaps your grades in Physics aren't that great either!" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't bring that up!" You snapped at him.

//Bell Rings//

You both made your way to class. This time Taehyung had a different class so you had to go alone.

It was midway through class and even though you never really cared about your surroundings, you felt someone's eyes on yourself.

You looked around and spotted the person.

Jeon Jungkook.

That idiot always made you uncomfortable. He never left chances to trouble you, but you were no less.

You always made him payback for any troubles he caused to you.

"Aish! Crackhead." You said rolling your eyes and looking at the blackboard again where the teacher was giving some notes you had to copy down.


It was the end of class and you were keeping your books in your locker when the locker door went shut.

"What the?!" Before you could speak, you were turned around harshly by the shoulders, meeting a deadly gaze.

"You did it didn't you?!" It was Jungkook.

"Listen, just because I hate you doesn't mean I'll bother you always. I'm not like you." You answered, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Oh shut your bullshit and tell me if it was you or not!" He spoke again, this time even more furious.

"If I tell you it was me, what will you do? It's not like you can kill me." You said smirking.

"I won't kill you, but I can trouble you." He smirked.

"Yeah, but for now, GET OFF HER!" He was interrupted by Taehyung.

Thank you freaking so much!

Jungkook let go of you, giving you one last wink, he went away.

"No wonder you hate that jerk", Taehyung spoke in disgust as you both made your way home.

★★★★★★★★ (after 3 months)

Y/N P.O.V–

Everyday was hell. Jungkook was with me in every class. Instead, he was my partner. Every activity, every project, he was paired with me. I was tolerating him since 3 months now. Complaining was of no use. I felt horrible.

This was a serious CLASSROOM TROUBLE.

I know this was short, but trust me, I'm going to make it better in the upcoming episodes. Please support me and follow you feel like it.

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