Ep:26 [Jeon Cousin]

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You stretched your arms, leaving out a big yawn. You rubbed your right eye.

Your look:-
Hair tied in a messed up bun, blanket still placed over your legs, lose t-shirt falling off from the left shoulder, eyes puffy.

"Sleepy head." You heard someone mumble. With eyes half open, you looked at the side. You furrowed your eyes.

"What do you want?" You groaned. "You really do need a brain. Isn't it obvious? I need breakfast." Said male answered. "You just turned 23! Can't you cook!" You whined. Pushing the blanket off your legs. "Nope. Now go cook me breakfast." He said.

"Ugh, fine." You groaned.

Wait. You thought.

"Wait, we're at a resort! You'll get food in the restaurant!" You whined. "So you finally get it." Jungkook teased.

Ugh! Annoying Crackhead!

You stomped your way back to the bed, lying back on the bed, completely ignoring Jungkook who was seated majestically on the side chair. (Your back faced Jungkook)

"You know, it's quite late." He said. You secretly looked at the clock on the nightstand.

Late my rusty scooter! It's freaking 7 in the morning!

You still continued to lie down, pretending to be asleep. After a few seconds, you heard the door shut.

He must've gone.

A large sigh of relief escaped your lips. You turned to the other side...

(Imagine some funny background music here)



"Ow! My freaking precious ears! Oh God of heaven! Learn to shut up." Jungkook said rubbing his ear.

Excuse me? You thought.

"Shut up?! What do you mean shut up! You are freaking lying in my bed right now and you expect me to shut up!" You scolded.

"Yes. So shut up." He said, lying down straight on the bed.

You scooted a little to the side, giving him a stink-eye.

"I know I'm handsome, but stop staring." He said, sending a sly smirk. "Pfft! Handsome my rotten potato!" You said sarcastically. "Why in the whole wide world are you sleeping on my bed?" You asked.

"I felt sleepy. Isn't it obvious nut-head?" He said, eyes still closed.

"Go sleep in your room."

"Nah, I'm too lazy to go there." He said wiggling a little.

"Oh, sweet cheese and crackers!" You lay back facing the other side.

Cute. Thought Jungkook.


Why am I here?

A million of people chattering and a million of anonymous voices filling the area. Sitting by the dessert counter, you looked around helplessly, waiting for something interesting to happen that would get you out of this boredom that was growing inside you.

You took sip of the wine, licking your lips after keeping the glass.

"You seem to love wine." An unknown voice spoke, startling you. You looked at your side. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Uhm, who are you?" You stood up.

"I'm Sehun. Oh Sehun." He said.

"Hi, I'm Y/n." You bowed.

"It's my first time seeing you here. I've never seen you before. In any of the family gatherings." Sehun said. "I'm here with Jungkook." You said. "Jungkook? Wow, that's weird." He said.


"He's very shy around girls. From what I know." He said.

He picked up a donut and took a bite of it. "How is it?" You asked. "Amazing." Said he. A smile formed on your face.

Sehun gave you a confused look, wanting to know why you were smiling.

"I made the dessert for today." You explained. "Oh, I've got to say, you are amazing cook." He said.

"Thank you, Sehun."

A random hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed a muffin. Your eyes followed the hand and ended up looking at Jungkook's face. He took a bite of the muffin and spoke, "The muffin is amazing Y/n."

"Th-thanks." You were confused.

He looked at Sehun. His eyes red of anger. The innocent look on Sehun's face turned to evil. They were both staring at each other. Sehun evilly, Jungkook infuriated.

This is awkward. You thought.

"Oh Sehun." Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"Jeon Jungkook." Sehun said, a devilish smirk on his face. "You seen to have a girlfriend now it seems." He said.

He came closer to Jungkook, whispering something into his ear.

"Maybe I'll snatch her away from you." He said and Jungkook gritted his teeth harder than ever.

You on the other hand, stood there confused about the atmosphere.

Sehun went away, leaving Jungkook furious.

Jungkook turned to you.

"What were you doing with him?" He crossed his arms. "I was sitting when he approached me." You said. He left out a vexated sigh, "Let's go back." He said. You nodded and you both went back to the suite.


"Uhm, why were you so annoyed to see him?" You asked.

"Because he is a evil moron." Jungkook said. "Why?" You asked.

"He is my cousin and I hate him since childhood. Since we were kids he got me into trouble and blamed me for the mischiefs he did. He's just jealous of me because I'm more successful and handsome." Jungkook said.

Handsome? I'll buy that. You thought.

"What did he whisper to you?" You asked.

Jungkook looked at you, his face softened but his eyes were still depicting fury.

" You don't have to know. "

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
Leave a comment to tell me how you felt. This story is nearing the end but there will be more chapters.
❤️ DreamTimeBTS

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