Ep:10 [Shifting]

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You have been standing here since an hour now.

It's the reception.

All people here are business partners; either of the Jeon's, or the Kim's. And to be honest, it's very, very boring.

Pretending to be happy with this, pretending to be happy with Jungkook. It's all a nuisance!

"Boring..." You mumble as boredom takes over you. "I know", Jungkook speaks looking at you. His large doe eyes seem to give a pacifying look. 

It looks as if he feels vulnerable. He seems impuissant and pregnable. Somehow, his face shows a look of forlorn. As if he is scared of something. But the question is.....

Do you really care?

You look away, glancing at the crowd. You look at Jungkook again, finding him staring at his feet. He seems uncomfortable right now. Something is going on in his mind. Something that is troubling him. Something making him feel....guilty?

You know him since elementary school and you very well know his expressions. The one he has now is of guilt and apology. As if he failed an important task.

He looked up, facing you. There was an awkward moment of weird staring. You stared at him with a frown, while he with confusion.

"How is my child?" A female voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

Auntie Soo.

"Auntie Soo!" You squeaked, wrapping your arms around her. You didn't expect her to be here (because your parents are mean). She wore her favorite white calf-length dress. Her chubby cheeks and pink lips made her look like a doll. "I'm so happy you came", you spoke, sincerity in your voice. "How could I miss your reception", she replied smiling.

"Is this your husband?" She changed her attention to Jungkook, who now looked a bit relieved. He bowed in response to her question. "Your very handsome." Auntie Soo told Jungkook.

He gave his adorable bunny smile, which you somehow found irritating.

Before he could enjoy any more of his appreciations, he was called by his father.

Oh thank God!

You watched him in disgust as you saw him go."What's with that face?" Auntie Soo asked. "How can you call him handsome?" You told her. "Why do you dislike him?" She questioned back.

"He's annoying!" You whined. "Listen", she took a pause,"-the more the hatred, the more of love." She said before leaving as Jungkook came and stood beside.

What did Auntie Soo mean?


You take a deep breath before entering the mansion. The new mansion. Jungkook had demanded for separate home for the both of you.

Will he torture you here?

You both entered the house, getting greeted by a tall, handsome man.

Why couldn't you get married to this guy instead?

"Hey Jungkook and Y/N", he said with docility in his voice. You bowed a bit since you didn't know him.

"I'm Jin." He said,"Welcome Y/N." He told politely. You smiled at him. He was the exact opposite of what Jungkook was.

"Jin hyung can you help us with the luggage?" Jungkook asked. "Sure." Jin replied, calling two servants and telling them to guide you both.

The servants kept the luggage in a room and then went out.

Are Jungkook and you gonna share the same room?

Fright and terror invaded you as the thought passed your mind. You both in the same room?

You're dead.

"Get out", you heard Jungkook say. "What?" You spoke. "I said get out." He said again, agility and exasperation coming out of him.

"Excuse me? What do you mean get out?" You said again. How dare he say that? Does he have any sense on how to talk to women?

"You are not going to sleep in my room", he took a pause,"-find another room." He finished.

Okay what?

Seriously?! Can't he find a room for you? Is he so cruel? Maybe he is...

"Give me my luggage", you demanded. You are not going to stay in this room.

He tossed the suitcase towards you with fury expressed by his face.

You glared at him before leaving. You stomped out of the room. You've had enough of this crap. Not a day after marriage and you're already at this stage.

Okay, now what?

You're already out of his room. But where will you go?

You walked the long, never-ending halls of his house, concluding to end up in a small room.

You found it perfect. Small but cozy. It had a closet towards the corner, a bathroom, a big bed and a perfectly carved out window.

After unpacking your stuff, you entered the bathroom to take a refreshing bath. It was already 11:20 by now. Letting the warm water run over your body, you heave a sigh of relaxation.

You exit the bathroom after changing into your pajamas. You flop on the bed as your eyes shut simultaneously.

It was a very hectic day.

To Be Continued...

Just so you do not know..

Pregnable means Vulnerable.

Example: She felt pregnable when left alone.

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