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Name: Katie Ann Kalogris

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Name: Katie Ann Kalogris

Age: 22

D/O/B: 03/05/1998

Species: Mutant

Background: Katie was raised by her mother and father until her mother passed away when she was 9. She has an older brother named Jacky who grew cold and distant once their mother died. Katie's father was a surgeon so she did not see him often at home. When he was home he taught Katie all he knew about health and medical practices. Katie taught herself how to fix things and threw herself into the tech world to keep herself busy after her mother's death. Her hometown is San Diego California, but she moved around a lot due to her fathers' job.  While her mother was alive, she had a soft nurtured childhood. When her mother passed her father and brother grew cold and harsh. Katie's first memory is of a snow day with her family, the first one they had since she was born. She remembers her father, mother, and brother laughing at her as she crawled around in the snow and whined about how cold it was. Katie has a lot of money to her name thanks to her father, but she has her own finances due to her work underneath the table.

Likes: coffee, sloths, dinosaurs, guns, technology, singing, goth rock, and piercings. Katie tends to draw a lot, mostly blueprints for stuff she's building. She loves the beach and loves to be around people who accept her real personality. She is very educated in health care and can perform many medical tasks/procedures. 

Dislikes: doctors, needles, snakes, and tight dark soundless spaces. She hates people who can't say simple words properly. She hates to be interrupted, she also hates when she has to ask others for help cause she can't do things herself.

Personality: Katie is a very positive person when it comes to most things, she has a very friendly demeanor and a good bedside manner. She is seen as very goofy and someone you would want around to lighten the mood. Katie has a bad habit of refusing help from others cause she hates not being able to do things herself, if she ever gets hurt she hides her injuries from the others as best she can as to not worry them. Katie likes to put on a brave face even when she's at her lowest, she does this so nobody will worry about her unnecessarily. She loves being around people while she works, but she enjoys working in silence. Katie suffers from extreme anxiety and overthinks everything she says or does and how it affects others. When meeting new people Katie tends to immediately assume they have bad intentions, but once her anxiety calms down she is very friendly and welcoming. Something Katie lives by is this moto "I came here for a good time not a long time" and she's very open about it. Katie is very dedicated to something once she starts it and will refuse to give up on things even if there is no hope for them. Katie has an extreme fear of snakes due to bad encounters with them, when she was younger her brother Jacky would put snakes in her bed and she would wake up in the middle of the night to snake crawling all over her, she has numerous bite mark scars all over her body from scratching the bites when she was younger. She also has a fear of doctors due to her poor relationship with her father.

 She also has a fear of doctors due to her poor relationship with her father

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Name: Mia Juliet Marshall

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Name: Mia Juliet Marshall

Age: 23

D/O/B: 02/10/1997

Species: Mutant

Background: Mia was raised by her father, her mother had left when she was very young so she has little to no memory of her. Her father was a strict, high standards man. He taught Mia to fight and how to get herself out of dangerous situations. Mia's father passed away when she was a teenager and she had been on her own ever since as she has no other family left. Her hometown is Santa Maria California, and she moved to New York with Katie after graduating highschool.  Mia's childhood was very strict and structured, her father was a strict man with high expectations. Though when he was in better moods he would act as a loving father figure and would treat her as his perfect loving daughter. Most of her childhood memories are blurry past her mother leaving when she was young. After her mother left it hit Mia hard because it made her feel cold, alone, and abandoned. 

Likes: reading, swords, exercising, chocolate, tattoos, and motorcycles. Mia is a very skilled swordswoman and is trained in ninjutsu to an extent, her father having been the one to teach her what she knows. Mia enjoys getting to know people she isn't familiar with, she likes hearing their stories. She likes to hear about the things that make people who they are. Mia enjoys sitting on the rooftops of New York, just sitting and looking at the city lights while the city bustles around her. She spends a lot of time singing anything and everything, she's not at all picky about music. Mia draws from time to time, and she also has a knack for photography. 

Dislikes:  hospitals and needles. Mia also dislikes (Mind you these are her exact words~ Katie) fake bitches, you know who you are. She also hates when people talk about touchy or close to home subjects just to get a rise out of her. Mia also has extreme disgust and loathing towards spiders. She is also not a big fan of the cold.

Personality: Mia is a very tough person, she has extreme issues with self-doubt and as a result, she is very hard on herself. Even if she has done nothing wrong she will find a way to pin blame on herself for things. A neutral trait of her is she always put others before herself. But since Mia is very enclosed she forgets a lot of the time to take care of herself and her emotional needs. She holds in her thoughts and feelings until she finally cracks and can't hold it in anymore. Most times Mia lies to herself about how she's feeling or what she's feeling, she thinks that if she believes she's fine, then everyone else will too.  Mia is very big on family, it's one of the things that matter most to her. Mia doesn't like to cry or show negative emotions for herself in front of others. She will feel like crap if she worries others with her problems. Mia has a very short temper, at times the smallest annoyance will set her off and at that point, you better stop, drop, and roll. Mia likes to live simply, she doesn't need mass amounts of things to be happy so she doesn't ask for a lot. Mia is very mentally wise due to past experiences, but because of these experiences, she is also very mentally wounded. Even so, Mia keeps pulling through life, no matter how hard it gets.  Mia's moral is "When life hits you hard, you have to hit back harder" which she truly believes in with all her heart. Something that really hits home with Mia, is being reminded of her past mistakes and being reminded of the things that she's lost. What scares Mia the most, is losing the people she cares about. If she lost the people who kept her going, all hell would break loose.

*DISCLAIMER* Yes this story is based on the 2012 versions of TMNT, but a lot of things have been changed, it does not follow the direct storyline. We still encourage you to enjoy!

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