Chapter 12

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Katie's P.O.V.

I was about to throw something, I had been working on this robot for a month and still nothing! Not a single sign of life in the damn thing! I could hear Donnie snickering from beneath the Shellraiser as I made angry grumbling noises. "I told you, Katie, don't bother trying he's not gonna work," Donnie said reaching for his blow torch. I quickly walked over and kicked the blow torch farther away from him " You may be willing to give up on him, but I'm not" I said walking back over to the stupid robot I've been staring at for hours on end. "Well that wasn't very nice," Donnie said sliding out from under the Shellraiser. I could feel his eyes on me as he got up, I could hear him open his mouth to say something but before he could Mikey barged in loudly "Dudette! It's time to go hurry up!". "God Mikey can you be any damn louder!" I whisper yelled at him covering his mouth, I could feel his tongue lick my hand and I quickly pulled it away. "You nasty ass," I said wiping my hand on his shoulder. "Where exactly are you guys going?" I turned around to face Donnie who was giving us a look of disapproval with his arms crossed. "We're going up top brainiac, to uh...patrol," I said not looking directly at him as I grabbed my guns off the table and strapped them to my sides. "I thought we were going up top so we could finish our truth or dare game," Mikey said and I turned to glare at him. Mikey's eyes winded and he put his hands up "I didn't mean to!". "Wouldn't Leo be upset about you guys going up top just to goof around?" Donnie asked tapping his foot on the floor. "Of course you'd be worried about what Leo would say" I replied rolling my eyes. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" Donnie asked glaring at me. I turned around to face him and smirked, "It means you're a good boy, you do what you're told and don't argue, meaning your no fun". Donnie blushed lightly and grabbed his staff frowning "I'm coming with". I gasped and put my hand on my chest dramatically "But what if Leo finds out?! Won't he be mad?!" I laughed. Donnie rolled his eyes and started walking out of the lab "I don't care, I'm gonna prove to you that I can be fun, let me rephrase that, I will show you that I am fun!". I rolled my eyes and followed him and Mikey "Sure, let's go with that". 

Mikey's P.O.V.

"Ummmm alright hit me with a dare Mikey," Katie said smiling. "Someone is feeling ballsy tonight isn't she," I said snickering, earning a playful eye roll from Katie. Donnie stood there watching us stone-faced "So much for showing us how fun you are'' I thought and turned to Katie, "Ight dudette, I've got the perfect one but your gonna have to be a cat for this one," I said walking to the edge of the roof looking down at the people who walked below. "Um okay?" Katie said quickly turning into a cat. "Okay now, go up to that guy, say something random and walk away like you never said anything '' I said pointing to a younger dude below us. "Ight bet," Katie said walking to the edge of the roof and jumping off. "Wow guess cats always do land on their feet '' I said snickering and watched closely as Katie pranced up to the guy. She weaved herself between his legs before she sat in front of him and looked up at him. The guy got on one knee and started scratching her chin. Moments later the guy's eyes widened and he fell backward and moved away from Katie quickly. I busted up laughing as Katie quickly ran away and climbed back onto the roof laughing hysterically. "Wh-what did you even say?!" I asked struggling to catch my breath. Katie turned back to normal and held her stomach " A-all I said was Meow bitch" she wheezed out wiping her eyes. I glanced at Donnie who was trying not to laugh as he glared at both of us. "Awe come on Don, it was funny," Katie said looking at him. "You two do realize how screwed we'll be if we get caught?" Donnie said rolling his eyes. "Donnie just live a little, It's not like anyone got hurt," I said standing in front of Katie. "Don't bother Mikey, let Mr. Party Pooper throw his fit," Katie said, rolling her eyes. "I'll meet you back at the house later" she finished jumping off the roof disappearing into the shadows. I turned to look at Donnie, he seemed upset and he clenched his fist. "Donnie, she'll be back don't worry about it, she does that a lot," I said putting a hand on his shoulder. Donnie nodded and sighed "Please tell me I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to talk to her". I snickered "sorry dude it's just you, now let's get back home before Leo notices were gone," I said jumping down into the sewers with Donnie right behind me.

Leo's P.O.V.

"And just where have you four been?" I said glaring at my brothers and Mia. "Well you see-" Mikey said, and then all four of them started going on. Mia and Raph tried yelling over each other to explain what was going on. Mikey was talking about a cat, Donnie was telling me he told them not to go out. My eye started to twitch out of annoyance at the situation "Will you all shut the hell up!" I snapped looking at the four in front of me. They all immediately shut their mouths and stood in a line side by side. "You guys shouldn't be sneaking out if your going up top tell me! You all could learn a thing or two from Katie, she's been here all night, I almost forgot she was here!" I yelled glaring at everyone. Mikey and Donnie glared at the doors to the lab. Katie stood in the doorway shaking her head "Shame on all of you, you guys need to be more mature". "Beech if Mikey and Donnie went up top, then I know for a fact you did too," Mia said shooting Katie a glare. I turned around to face Katie and crossed my arms "Is this true Katie?". " comment," Katie said quickly closing the lab door. Donnie immediately got up with Mikey and tried to open the door. "Sorry sis but you're in for it" Mikey yelled slamming into the door. I was starting to lose my patience "EVERYONE DOJO NOW" I yelled. 


Mia: *grumbles and glares at Leo*

Leo: oh don't you give me that crap 

Katie: haha you're in troubleeee 

Mia: so are you!!! Mrs. I didn't do anything i'm so innocent!! 

Mikey: y'all need to chill it wasn't that bad 

Raph: *snickers*

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