Chapter 24

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Leo's P.O.V.
I felt my T-phone buzz in my belt and I rolled my eyes. "Which one of you has time to text right now?!" I huffed slicing the head off the Krang in front of me. "Dude it's not a text! Mia just sent out her location to everyone!" Mikey yelled from the roof across from me. "Somebody explain to me why she's at Shredder's!" I heard Raph growl next to me. Below us, the shellraiser pulled up and Donnie stepped out "How about instead of asking we go find out!". Raph was the first one to drop down, I had insisted we leave the girls to themselves after we split up. They could take care of themselves, but something had gone wrong. I could feel it. My brothers and I took our positions in the shellraiser and we quickly drove to Shredder's lair. Raph ran out first, followed by the rest of us. "Uh guys, we've got a problem!" Mikey yelled running onto the roof. "Why what's- MIA!" Raph yelled pushing past us. She was on the floor, she barely looked like she was breathing. Raph immediately made his way over to Mia, throwing his sai's down he scooped her up in his arms. "Sis?!" I snapped my head to Mikey, Katie was face down on the floor, blood pooled around her. Donnie was by her side in seconds, "Katie come on wake up" he said his voice cracking. Both girls were in bad shape, I looked around and saw Krang starting to pile onto the roof. "Guys we need to go now!" I snapped at my brothers. "Where dude?!" Mikey yelled kicking a few Krang off the roof. "Out of the city..old there" Mia croaked. "Alright baby, just rest now okay," Raph said standing up and holding her close to him. At least we knew she was semi-okay. Mikey and I held off the Krang as Raph and Donnie carried the girls into the shell-raiser. We all piled in and I quickly started to drive out of the city. Raph held Mia who could barely keep her eyes open. Donnie and Mikey hovered over Katie as Donnie bandaged her head to try and stop the bleeding. I ran over Krang as I went outside the city limits. "Turn left here..." I heard Mia whisper behind me. I turned left and then I saw the house. It was older but it would do for now. We all got out and made our way into the house. "So what's wrong with her Don?" Mikey asked as Donnie set Katie on the couch gently. "She's lost a lot of blood, she's unresponsive but stable, I'm not a doctor but I'd say she was in a coma," Donnie said glaring at Mia out of the corner of his eye. "Watch the look Don '' Raph growled. "Guys right now is not the time to fight '' I snapped causing my brothers to look at me. Mia was in Raph's lap drifting in and out of consciousness. I sighed "Okay, everyone is just really tense right now, we all need to rest and we can assess everything in the morning". Mikey huffed and walked outside. Raph wrapped Mia's wounds and brought her upstairs to one of the bedrooms. She was scraped up pretty bad. Donnie sat on the recliner and watched Katie closely. I walked into the kitchen and huffed, this was not good. 

Raph's P.O.V.

Mia was banged up, really bad. Over the next few weeks, a lot of our time together was spent re-wrapping wounds, talking about what happened, and me trying to get her to eat. She could finally walk without limping, but she was sore. Although she could walk she wouldn't, she barely got out of bed. She wasn't eating, she wasn't drinking water, she just wasn't taking care of herself. I rarely could coax her into eating. She didn't talk besides what was necessary. Until we went to bed, at that point she would cry herself to sleep. "I-its all my fault, she won't wake up and it's my fault..." Mia sobbed into my chest. "That's not true baby, please just breathe and get some rest" I replied rubbing her back and holding her close to me. Every night this is how it went, she would cry and blame herself until she fell asleep. All I could do was comfort her, I couldn't do anything more. Mia just continued to tear herself apart, she hated herself because she lost to Shredder and didn't listen to Katie when she said to wait for us. She hated herself for not being able to save her father from Shredder, she hated herself for being too weak to have done anything more. It broke my heart to see here like this, and the only person who could get her to stop doing this to herself was asleep. Katie hadn't woken up since we got here, not even once. She hadn't even stirred when Mikey was being loud, or when Donnie held her in his lap. Donnie had been really detached after she didn't wake up the first night. I hated that I was mad at him, but he blames Mia for what happened. One night when Leo and I went out to get wood, we got a text from Mikey. So we rushed back to the house. Donnie and Mia were both in tears yelling at one another, Donnie blaming what happened to Katie on her. Mia, trying to apologize, degrading herself and helping him pin the blame on her. Mikey was in the middle trying to get them to lay off one another. That's when I got in Donnie's face, and for once he didn't back down when I did. Leo had to step in and we all went our separate ways after that. Donnie had rarely left Katie's bedside when he did he was in the barn. He wouldn't talk to anyone, he basically did the same things Mia was doing, just by himself. Mikey and Leo did their best to try and rekindle our spirits. Emphasis on trying. Everyone was worried about whether or not Katie would wake up. Donnie said that she would, that she just needs time, but even he didn't seem to believe it sometimes. I wanted her to wake up, I wanted Mia to stop blaming herself, I wanted everyone to be together again. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

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