Chapter 6

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Donnie's P.O.V.

The blonde girl screamed, and I immediately snapped my head to face her, she had shrunk to the ground. She was white and fluffy, almost like a cotton ball, with sapphire eyes. "WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK JUST HAPPENED" she hissed, her hair standing up on her back. "Awe you're a kitty" Mikey smiled and picked her up and she squirmed in his arms." BUT I DON'T WANNA BE A KITTY" she whined. "Katie just calm down and breathe," the other girl said, from what I had gathered her name was Mia. "It would seem that instead of mutating your body to match that of animals, you gained a unique power instead, in other words, you're a shifter, with practice you could probably turn into anything and anyone you want," I said crossing my arms. "Yeah cool! Now how do I change back!?" she said jumping out of my brother's arm and sat on the floor. "Like I said beach, calm down," Mia said giving Katie a look. I looked down at Katie and she huffed and closed her eyes. She kind of just sat there for a moment, a second later she had turned back to normal. Blonde hair but you could see her roots coming in, maybe a dark brown meaning she bleached her hair. Her eyes, one a deep blue color, the other a seaweed green. "Thank fucking god" she exclaimed smiling. I blushed slightly and turned away, "She's got a cute smile," I thought blushing harder earning a look from Leo. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the girls. Both of which still looked shaken. "Look, ladies, the people who did this to you are called the Krang, they are an alien race bent on mutating everyone on earth. Now that you've escaped from them, they most likely are going to come after you, we can protect you if you let us" Leo said stepping forward and crossing his arms. "Oh, trust me, we can take care of ourselves," Mia said standing up and wobbling as she started to fall. Within milliseconds Raph was next to her holding her up as he smirked "We really should stop meeting like this" he cooed, earning a glare from Mia. Katie started snickering again and I had to turn away hiding my own laughter. "Anyways dude" Katie said turning to Mia with a serious look on her face " as capable as we are, we don't know the Krang well enough to take them on by ourselves, we should let them help" she finished sighing and crossing her arms. Mia looked at Katie and huffed "Fine, but how can you help us?" Mia asked. "Well, we're going to take you back to our place, and you can stay with us until you can defend yourself from the Krang and anyone else that may cause you trouble," Leo said. The rest of us turned to face and as Raph shoved him out the window. "Will you excuse us for a sec?" Raph said forcing a smile and followed Leo out the window. I cleared my throat and turned to the girls "Anyways about getting turned back, right now I'm working on something that will be able to turn you back permanently". Mia sighed "Thanks, that would be a great help," she said rubbing her temples. Katie seemed to space out and stared at the floor. Before I could try and talk to her my brothers came back into the room. "You guys better go pack some stuff," Raph said crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. Without a word, Katie walked out of the room and went upstairs followed by Mia. Mikey and I turned to Leo with questioning gazes. "What else would you have me do huh? We can't just leave them, and Donnie will have an easier time trying to change them back if they're close by" Leo said sitting down on the couch. "I get it, Leo, but it's just weird, you've never been this accepting of new people," I said giving him a questioning look. "I don't know how to explain it, I've just got a feeling that we should keep them close" Leo shrugged and leaned back. The girls came back down moments later with a few bags each. Leo got up off the couch "You guys ready" he asked. Mia smiled and nodded and walked out of the apartment with the rest of us following.


Mia: hello pusssssssssssy

Katie: I will fucking mame you

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