Chapter 26

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Mia's P.O.V.

"Well I thought he needed a name, and well he's kinda creepy, so you know...I named him the creep" Mikey said shrugging. The creep raised his hand to strike, but Leo was there to block it as the rest of us jumped back. I drew my blades and came up beside Leo in the effort to hold him off. I felt weak, I could barely help Leo push him back. My palms were sweaty, arms and legs shaking, my vision started to get blurry. Leo and I each cut off one of the creep's arms. As soon as we had cut them off, they reappeared more accurately they had regrown. "Ah, shit!" I yelled before flipping backward with Leo. Mikey started to fall over to my left, Donnie quickly threw Mikey's arm over his shoulder and held him up. "Donnie get him back to the house now! Raph, Mia on me!" Leo yelled. Donnie ran off as quickly as he could with Mikey. I charged forward with Raph and Leo. Cutting the creep down, only for his limbs to regrow at rapid speeds. Raph jumped pack and panted holding his arm "Guys this isn't working!" he growled, blood seeping through his fingers. I paled at the slight amount of blood coming from the cut on his arm. He's hurt...he got hurt. I turned to the creep, my blood boiling I let someone get hurt again. I started to think, and I looked around. We were near the lake, I looked back at the creep. Tall, mostly made of dirt and other plants. Dirt. Dirt turns to mud in the water. Get him in the lake, get rid of the creep. Sounds easy enough, was it going to be? Probably not, "Guys follow my lead!" I yelled at the two turtles who stood by me. I ran up to the giant plant monster that stood before, throwing one of my blades at it to get it's attention "Hey! Let's go overgrown weed!" I snapped, I backed up and made my way towards the lake. The guys gave me a look and immediately started to follow my example, pushing the creep towards the lake. Almost there, just almost there. The creep's arm extended again and wrapped around Leo like a snake. The creep threw him aside and slammed him into a tree. "Leo!?" Raph yelled glaring back at the creep. "I'm good!" Leo croaked getting up. I could feel my hands shaking, I felt like I was going to pass out. I sprinted behind the creep; he was a few steps away from the water. I stepped into the water, the water cold on my ankles. I watched as the creep followed me deeper and deeper into the water. Then he stopped, he was stuck but he wasn't disintegrating fast enough. He wasn't in enough water; I threw myself up and wrapped my arms around his neck and dragged him underwater with me. "Mia!" I heard Raph yell out to me. The water was cold, the creep didn't struggle much. With the water all around him, he started to disintegrate him slowly but surely. I couldn't breathe, my throat started to burn. Why did this feel so familiar? I started to see black spots. I vaguely remembered the pain, my eyes burning, my throat wet but dry. I felt a pressure on my neck as if a hand was wrapped around the back of it. The pressure increased and it felt like someone was squeezing my neck. The creep was almost gone, almost but not quite yet. I started to feel fuzzy, my stomach was churning. My grip on the creep weakened and I felt myself slip away from him. I was cold, it was dark, and I started to sink deeper into the lake. Two hands grabbed my arms and the next thing I knew I was out of the water. I coughed up water and gasped taking a few deep breaths. Raph had his arms around me while Leo was patting my back. "Is it gone?" I huffed out and went into a coughing fit. "Yeah, it's gone" Leo replied standing up. Raph scooped me up in his arms and held me against his chest. I must have fallen asleep cause the next time I opened my eyes we were walking into the house. I heard yelling and my eyes fluttered open, Mikey poked his head out of the room Katie was in "Guys somethings wrong!" was all he yelled, and I felt my heart drop. 

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