Chapter 19

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Yal this one is gonna be long, just sayin~ Katie

Mia's P.O.V.

I woke up and pushed myself off the floor. Everything was black, I couldn't see anything. "W-Where the hell am I?" I said aloud, then face palmed realizing I still had bandages on my face. I slowly took the bandages off and blinked a few times. My vision was back, good as new, the excitement was short-lived. I looked around the room, stone walls all around, four vents. I tapped the bricks around the room, looking for a weak point, anyway I could get out. Nothing. "Hello, Ms. Marshall" I looked around quickly. This voice, "Karai, great to hear from you" I spat looking up at the camera in the corner. "This trap is called Ur Heart. In a few moments freezing cold air will start to fill the room. It will get colder than your heart. The stone here traps in the temperature, so you can keep this nice cold air for yourself. Your body temperature will start to drop and your body will come out of homeostasis causing you to go into hypothermia. Have fun getting out of this one" Karai's voice cut out before I could snap anything back at her. The four vents on the walls opened and cold air started to fill the room. I was already shivering. I could sense the others around me before I heard them. I could feel their individual pain, it broke my heart. I wanted to get to them, I was going to get to them. "MIA?!" I heard. It was Raph, he was looking for me. I smiled weakly at the thought, he actually cared. I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes at this point. I sat down in the corner and hugged myself, trying to conserve my body heat. It wasn't working, I could feel my warmth slipping away. I had to get up, I had to fight to stay awake. My teeth chattered intensely, my body was going numb. My thoughts were jumbled, I couldn't think clearly. I looked around the room, I saw my dad, he was in a similar position as me on the floor. In a corner, holding himself. I crawled across the floor and sat next to him, but the moment I went to say something to him he was gone. As if he was never there, but in all honesty he never was. Not now, not when I was a child, not ever. My entire body was shaking, I looked at the room around me as the snow poured now. It was winter, I was about 13. My dad and I had gotten into a fight, I can't remember what about, most likely something dumb. He was really mad, I had never seen him this mad before. I cowered in front of him as he screamed at me. Once he realized how scared I was he spat on me and called me weak. I didn't know how to reply so I didn't do anything to stop him from throwing me out of the house. He told me that if I was strong, then I could last night. Then he shut the door and locked me out. I didn't bother trying to open the door, I knew he'd only get more upset if I tried to open it before dawn. So I sat on our porch, no shoes, thin pants, tank top. By the time morning came I was barely breathing, my dad walked outside and picked me up. He set me in front of the fireplace and made me hot cocoa. I snapped back to reality when the pins and needles started. I was still in the room, still freezing, "Raph I'm sorry" I wheezed out closing my eyes. My world started to slow down, I heard the crash and slowly turned my head to see where it came from. It was the guys, all four of them. Before I could even say anything Raph had me in his arms, he was warm, really really warm. "You have nothing to be sorry for," he said holding me close to him. "K-Katie's b-below us," I said through my chattered teeth. The guys quickly smashed through the floor and jumped down into the last room. 

Katie's P.O.V.

"We haven't been introduced yet, I'm Karai and you are?" I heard a female voice say over the loud-speaker. My head was pounding and my ankle was throbbing where I had been bitten earlier. I pushed myself off the floor and groaned "Katie, but I think I would have been happier having not met you at all" I said standing up. Karai chuckled and I shot a glare at the camera, she was toying with us. "Well Katie, your trap is something I would like to call Phobia Factor, in this room you will be exposed to a deadly toxin, this toxin makes you experience your worst fears as if they were right in front of you. Can you face your fear" I was filled with dread as yellow pollen was sprayed into my face. I coughed hard waving the pollen away hoping I didn't inhale as much. I looked around the room frantically, awaiting my doom. Nothing came, nothing tried to attack me, just nothing. "Ha nice try Karai, but your shit didn't work," I smirked and crossed my arms. Then came the hissing, and I froze. Dozens of snakes started to pour out of the cracks in the walls. I couldn't breathe, there were so many. All my thoughts immediately went to my brother, the little shit. I started to scratch at my arm aggressively, there were so many old snake bites on that arm. All scarred over, not many people knew about them. The snakes started to get closer and I backed myself up against the wall as far as I could. Then I heard his laugh, that raspy smoker laugh. That laugh that plagued me for years. Snakes started to pile up together in the shape of a man, moments later I was looking into my father's face and I screamed. I started to hyperventilate, there was no way he could be here! The snakes started to wrap around my ankles causing me to scream and fall to the floor. At that point the snakes had started slithering all over me, I watched in silent fear as my dad continued to approach me. His smirk burning into my eyes as the room started to get smaller. I couldn't back up any farther. I heard everyone dealing with their traps, everyone was feeling like shit, as if this was all their fault. When in reality it was mine, I could have protected everyone but I didn't, I was too afraid and I let everyone down. My dad was in front of me now, he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me across the floor to the center of the room. I didn't fight him, there was no point, he would win either way. "Won't you let dear old daddy fix you pumpkin?" he said as the snakes started to cover me. "Of course dad, anything for you" I was shaking, but it didn't matter. He won, and I wasn't about to fight him. My eyes closed and I whimpered at the feeling of the snakes slithering all over me. The snakes bit me all over, I was used to the feeling. Then a crash came through the ceiling, and I screamed bloody murder. 5 giant snakes, the size of people stood in front of me. I stood up quickly and backed into the corner "Get the hell away from me!" I yelled fear stuck on my face. My father was gone but the snakes remained. "Katie this isn't real, just calm down" one of the snakes came forward and said. "Great, a snake that sounds like Donnie, just great" I laughed weakly before falling forward and passing out.


Katie: Lowkey exposed ourselves 

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