Chapter 23

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Mia's P.O.V.

"Where did you two go?" I asked Katie and Donnie as they came back into the lair. They were holding hands and I smiled. I'd have to have a talk with Donnie later. "We went and blew up some stuff at TCRI '' Katie replied looking at me. "Without me!" I gasped and crossed my arms. "Sorry dude" Katie shrugged and crossed her arms. "You don't seem very sorry" I huffed. Then the beeping started, Katie and Donnie's head perked up as they both bolted for the lab. Each of us quickly followed suit, "Um guys what the hell is going on?" I asked, looking at Donnie's desk. The Krang communication orb was going crazy, "I don't know, but whatever it is it's not good" Katie said making eye contact with Leo. I turned to face Leo "Gear up guys, somethings not right," he said running out of the lab. I huffed, just when things had started to calm down they got all riled up again. The lair turned into an organized chaos, everyone quickly preparing for whatever the hell it was we were going to face. Then the explosions started, and my heart dropped. If we could feel that all the way down here, just think about what it was like up there. Once we were all ready, we all quickly made our way up to the surface. Much to our horror, there was Krang everywhere. Mutagen bombs dropped all over the city "The invasions started guys' ' Donnie said, his face a pale green. "Save as many humans as you can, Donnie figure out a way we can try and stop this, and everyone avoid the muta-" Leo was cut off. A bomb was heading straight for us. We all dropped off the roof and ducked for cover to avoid getting hit. I heard a cough next to me and shot up. "Fuckin Katie don't scare me like that, I was bouta slice you," I said watching Katie wave dust out of her face. "Oh as if I haven't been sliced before," she said chuckling. The joy quickly left her face as she looked around "We got separated from the guys...they're safe, let's keep moving try and do what we can" she said running out of the alley. I followed next to her and ran ahead drawing my katanas. Krang stood in our way but I quickly took them down, slicing them in half and stomping on the little alien bodies. Katie's gunshots rang in my ears but at this point the ringing was natural. Then I saw it, clear as day "Dad?!" I yelled. He was chained up, kneeling in the middle of the road. He was skinny, his hair longer than usual, his skin was extremely pale as if he hadn't seen the sun in years. I ran into the road and reached out for him, but right before my eyes, he vanished. "Mia what are you doing?! Get out of the middle of the street!" Katie yelled at me as she shot Krang after Krang. Then I saw them, My dad, the Shredder, and Karai. All of them on the roof of his lair. Patiently waiting for me, baiting me, and damn it was working. I gasped and blicked a few times as the image faded and Katie came up next to me. "We gotta go, Shredder has my dad," I said taking off down the street. "Shouldn't we get the guys?" Katie asked running beside me. "No time, if we don't get there soon he'll kill my dad, technically he should already be dead!" I growled. My father's body was never found, detectives said his body was most likely burned with the rest of the house. We never figured out what set the fire, but it didn't start naturally. I came to a stop as I looked at Shredder's lair, just like I had seen it not ten minutes ago. "Dude we really should contact the guys, we can't take him- and there she goes," Katie said as I quickly made my way onto the roof. I heard her step onto the roof behind me as she joined me by my side. There he was, my father just as I saw him. Karai, she had a smug look on her face. Then Shredder, he made direct eye contact with me. My world started to slow down and I felt my blood start to boil. This was it, I was either getting my father or I was gonna die trying. 

Karai held the chains that restrained my father, "Dad" I said looking at the sad figure that was my father. He said nothing, gave me no response, not even a grunt as he would to acknowledge my existence. Just silence, pure dead silence, not a hint of life from him except the sound of his wheezing. Almost as if breathing fresh air was killing him. "Take him away daughter" Shredder finally spoke waving Karai off. Karai smirked and started dragging my father away. That's when I lost it, my cool faded in an instant. My katanas were drawn, I charged at Karai, my blade was inches from her neck when something tugged me backward by the collar of my shirt. I coughed and I was tossed backward as Karai and my father disappeared into the building below. Shredder stood in front of me and chuckled lowly, "After all these years, you still can't fight properly, even after all I gave your father to help teach you" He said walking closer to me. I quickly got back up and got into a fighting stance "I have no clue what you talking about," I snapped. "Of course you don't, you don't remember much of anything do you?" Shredder spat back at me. His words triggered something in the back of my head and I winced, the water I remembered the water. Shredder lunged at me and that was when I heard the gunshot. I watched the bullet skim across Shredder's helmet leaving a streak behind "Back away or next time the bullet ends up in your head" Katie said pointing her gun at Shredder. My heart dropped as I watched Shredder's head snap to Katie "Now who do we have here?" he asked. "It doesn't matter, this fight is between you and me!" I spat kicking him in the chest. Shredder caught my foot and tossed me aside "Yes but she's already proven to be quite the nuisance" Shredder said as he made his way toward Katie. I was dizzy, but I stood back up. I grabbed my katanas off the floor and got into an offensive position. I could hear Katie's gunshots ricochet off his armor. I charged at Shredder, "not another step, or her neck snaps". I froze, Shredder turned around and he had Katie by her throat. Katie kicked her legs around and I watched her nails extend into sharp points which she used to claw at his hands. She only succeeded in scratching his metal gauntlets. "Interesting, what a neat little trick" Shredder smirked, what happened next happened in a flash. My eyes widened in horror, Shredder had slammed Katie's head into the floor of the roof. Blood pooled from her head, she layed there on the floor limp as a noodle. Shredder walked over to me, step on her body as if it was nothing. "I should have listened, should have just waited for the guys," I thought as I sent out an SOS to the turtles. My eyes watered as I looked down at my friend again, I glared at Shredder and charged at him. I was easily countered as he knocked me back causing me to roll to the edge of the roof. "You want to know something interesting Ms. Marshall?" he said as blades extended from his gauntlets. "Something more interesting than how I'm going to kill you? Sure" I replied pushing myself up and drawing my dagger. Shredder chuckled "You remember that fire that "killed" your father all those years ago? Well just for the record, I'm the one who gave the order for the fire to be set" then he was gone. In the blink of an eye, before I could even snap anything back at him. Just gone. 


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