Chapter 5

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Mia's P.O.V.  

My body was burning, I couldn't open my eyes. My body felt heavy and I felt sick. I feel different, more weight to me, my back hurts like a bitch. I could hear voices; I knew one of them. "Katie? She sounds scared, gotta wake up" I thought to myself and opened my eyes slightly to see Katie standing in front of me holding a gun and death staring at the 4 figures in front of her. "We mean you no harm dudette!" said the shortest of the figures putting his hands up. "Please just let us explain, everything will make sense if you give us the chance to explain," said another one of the figures who stepped forward in front of the rest of the figures. "Well excuse me, I'm not exactly in the mood to talk to four giant turtles," Katie snapped. "Wait, did she just say turtles" My eyes shot open completely "Katie put the gun down" I croaked and sat up. She glanced at me giving me a look and slowly put the gun down and slid it back into her shoe. I examined the four figures in front of me, they were in fact, four giant turtles. " Mia, meet Leonardo" Katie pointed at the one in the blue mask who stood in front of the others " Raphael" the one in the red mask who was eyeing me "Donatello" the tall one in purple, "and Michelangelo" finally pointing to the last one in orange. "Hey Mia, it's nice to meet you, but you can call me Mikey," Mikey said smiling widely. I smiled at Mikey and looked, Raphael in the eyes "Take a picture it lasts longer" I said crossing my arms. He winked at me and smirked, "I just might, sweetheart." I blushed, surprised by his comment and glared at Katie as she snickered behind me, then her smile dropped, and she looked at me seriously. "What is it?" I said raising my eyebrows." So, um...just don't freak out okay?" she said grabbing a mirror off the table. "Why would I freak- WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled looking into the mirror. My face had changed completely, I had turned a jade green and I had a shell on my back "Wh-what the hell happened?!" I said pushing the mirror away. The purple turtle stepped forward "You and your friend were pushed into Mutagen, something that completely rearranges the human's body structure and changes them in strange ways." he said smiling softly as if to make me feel better about the situation. "Well can I get changed back?" I asked tapping my foot anxiously and flinched as Katie screamed.  


Katie: Did you know sharks have tongues?

Mia: what? why? You know what nevermind. 

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