Chapter 25

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Mikey's P.O.V.

Tensions were high, I barely saw Donnie anymore. Raph was always with Mia, watching her, being there for her. They rarely left the room, and Katie was still asleep. I sometimes went into her room and talked to her. I would tell her what was going on with everyone, how I was feeling. I would ask her questions and think about the funny way she would answer them. Donnie would sit there in silence and stare at her, occasionally taking her hand in his and stroking it softly. At that point, I would excuse myself and go out. As I had done today, I felt bad for leaving Donnie alone but I knew he needed it. I told Leo that I was gonna go get some wood, that I'd be back in an hour. Since the invasion, he had been a little picky about knowing where everyone was or how long we would be gone. I walked through the woods grabbing wood whenever I saw it, it was quiet. I liked it, it was nice out here, whereas in the house it was stressy depressy. Then I realized it was quiet, no birds, no wind, just silence. I dropped the wood I was holding and immediately grabbed my nunchucks. I heard a groan of a tree and I snapped around to see where the sound came from. There was nothing, I sighed and put my nunchucks away. "Guess I'm just paranoid huh," I said aloud rubbing the back of my head. "And now I am talking to myself just great," I bent down and started to pick the wood up again. My ankle twitched and I looked down to see a vine wrapping around it. "Whoa! That's nasty dude!" I yelled as the vine jerked and started to drag me. I clawed at the ground to no avail and looked around. I was nowhere near the house, Leo would come looking for me in an hour. I quickly threw my mask off and watched it fall to the ground as I was dragged deeper into the woods. 

Leo's P.O.V.

"Leo I'm sure he's fine, he probably just lost track of time," Mia said as I paced back and forth in the living room. It had been more than an hour since Mikey left, everyone had come down once I had started to freak out. Even Mia, which was surprising seeing as how she hadn't really come down from her room for weeks. I couldn't take it anymore, I quickly geared up and the others followed suit. "Something's not right, Mikey wouldn't be late, even if he was he would have texted me," I huffed running out of the house. " I swear if he's out here talkin to a squirrel or something stupid, I'm gonna kill him" Raph growled running beside me with Mia on his other side. "Well then be prepared to become a murderer today," Donnie said to my left. It was the first time they had all been out of the house together. Donnie didn't acknowledge Mia and Raph, they didn't acknowledge him. I sighed and came to a quick stop, I bent down and picked my little brothers mask off the floor. "Leo you might wanna take a look at this' ' Mia said as she knelt down on the floor. I came to her side and looked down at the drag marks on the floor. "Dammit, Mikey" was all Raph said before following the tracks. We raced after him and I started to panic. I kept my face straight, but inside my mind was racing. I should have kept a closer eye on him, I should have come with him. We ran deeper into the woods and the atmosphere seemed to change. The night seemed darker, the air was heavier, the woods thicker. A fog appeared, making the floor disappear and we couldn't see our feet. I heard a groan and immediately shot around as Mia fell to the ground screaming. A vine was wrapped around her leg and it started to drag her away.''The hell is this shit?!" was all she yelled before drawing a tanto blade and cutting the vine off her ankle. Raph quickly helped her up and held her close to him "Babe I'm fine, chillll!" Mia said as she pushed against his chest. Raph sighed and let her go rubbing the back of his head but still standing close to her. Then we heard a scream "Mikey!?" this time it was Donnie. We all looked around as we heard the scream again and followed where it came from. The screaming got louder as we came upon a shed. I quickly kicked the door down to see Mikey hanging upside down in a cocoon of some sort. He was wiggling around intensely and his screams were loud enough to make our ears bleed. I quickly cut him down and out of the sticky substance, "Ah dudes this is so nasty!" he complained, shaking the goop off him. We all took a step away from him "alright guys let's get back before whatever it was that took Mikey comes back" I said walking out of the shed with the rest behind me. Mikey didn't look too good, he needed to get back to the house quickly. I turned to glance at everyone else behind me, as soon as I had I ran into something hard in front of me and fell on my butt. Everyone gasped simultaneously and I looked up to see what it was. I gasped myself and looked up at the big plant creature in front of me. "It's the creep!" Mikey yelled and we all turned to look at him. "THE WHAT?!" we all yelled.

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