Chapter 21

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Katie's P.O.V.

"MIKEY YOU ARE SUCH A CHEATER" I yelled smacking the controller out of his hand. It's been three months since we all got captured by Karai, after everything I started carrying an antidote for the pollen on me at all times. My guns rarely left my sides anymore even at home. "It's not cheating! I just got mad skills sis!" Mikey replied shooting me a glare as the game ended. He's been calling me that a lot lately, he barely even uses my name anymore. "Same thing!" I shot back. Mia and Raph snickered behind us, Mikey and I turned around at the same time and directed our glares at them. When I found out Mia and Raph were dating, I was ecstatic, he was so good for her and she for him. I had already had the talk with Raph, and he tenses every time I walk into the room to this day. "What's so funny?" Mikey said. "You are doofus," Raph said flicking him. "Hey don't flick Mikey! He's fragile!" I said glaring at Raph. "Oh please beech, you're the fragile one," Mia said chuckling. I huffed and looked at the lab doors, Donnie hadn't really been talking to me lately. He was really distant and anytime I tried to ask him about it he just shrugged me off and told me he was fine. "Katie, can you come into the lab for a sec?" Leo said peeking his head out of the lab. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YOUR IN TROUBLE" my friends in the living room yelled. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked into the lab as Leo closed the door behind me "Guys what's going on?" I asked eyeing Leo and Donnie. Donnie waved me over to his monitor and plugged a USB into it. "On our most recent mission into TCRI, we found this and we thought it would be best to show you first," Leo said as the file loaded and displayed pictures of Mia and I. I froze and looked at the monitor in terror, they were looking for us. "What do you need me to do?" I said looking up at Leo. "The krang have started making guns, cannons, bombs, filled with mutagen and they're gonna use it on New York," Leo said looking at Donnie, then at me. "I need you two to blow it up, all of it" he continued. "Wait both of us?! Why can't Katie go by herself?!" Donnie snapped looking at Leo. The way he said it hurt, like really bad. I shrugged it off and grabbed the rest of my gear quickly. Leo and Donnie argued silently, after a minute Donnie rolled his eyes and grabbed his staff. "I'll take care of it, Leo," I said walking out of the lab with Donnie close behind me. The others eyed us suspiciously as we made our way out of the lair. 

Karai's P.O.V.

"Everything is almost ready father, the Krang has informed me that the invasion will start soon," I said kneeling at Shredder's throne. Three months ago, Splinter used his healing hands on me, causing the brain worm my father had implanted in my head to come out. It changed nothing, without my father I was nothing. He had taught me everything I know and I have nowhere else to go. So I came back here and acted as if nothing had changed, which nothing really had since he still thought I was under the influence of the brainworm. Since then I've been working with the Kraang to start the invasion of New York. The agreement made was the Kraang will mutate the human population, when the turtles and their female companions come to save the day, they will be apprehended and brought back to us. "Perfect, we will soon be rid of the turtles and all our plans will start to align," Shredder said looking down at me. I raised my head slightly to meet his gaze "Of course father" I replied as I stood up and took my leave. As the doors shut behind me I could hear talking, but what was being said I had no clue. 


Raph: Nuh uh screw brainworms i'm out 

Mia: It's fine Raphie they won't get you

Leo: yeah Raphie boy they won't get you~ 

Mikey: pfffffft ha! 

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