Chapter 7

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Katie's P.O.V.

"You do not actually expect me to go down there, do you?" I said gagging and turning my head away from the sewer Mikey held open. "It's really not as bad as it seems," Leo said jumping down into the sewer followed by Donnie and Raph, "come on Katie, stop being so sensitive," Mia said jumping down getting caught by Raph and set down gently. "Don't worry dudette, it's a lot cleaner down there then you think," Mikey said smiling softly. I sighed "Here we go I guess," I said as I jumped down into the sewer and squeezed my eyes closed. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and looked up at the purple masked turtle holding me. I smiled "Nice catch", I said setting my feet on the floor. Donnie let me go and rubbed the back of his head smiling slightly "Th-thanks, I'm kind of strong so your weight was no problem, not that you have weight to you!" he laughed nervously as I raised my eyebrows "Um...Thanks? I think?" I said confused as I started to follow Leo deeper and deeper into the sewer. "Nice going dude" I heard Raph say behind me giving Donnie a clap on the shoulder. I chuckled to myself lightly and kept walking. I could hear Mia shuffling behind me, she looked pale and sickly, I wasn't feeling too great either, so I probably looked about the same way. I glanced behind me to see Raph standing particularly close to Mia, not enough to make her wary of his presence, but just enough so that if she falls, he would be right there to keep her from doing so. I faced forward again as I followed Leo into a large room "Home sweet home" Mikey said rushing past me running to the couch immediately. "Where are we?" Mia said and looked to Leo for an answer. "This is where we live, we've got two spare rooms down the hall, you guys can pick who gets which room," Leo said smiling softly "I'm going to go talk to Sensei, I'll be back" Leo walked away into the room across the way and slid the door shut. I turned around to face Mia and smiled weakly "You should go get some sleep dude; it's been a long day". She looked at me and sighed as she started to walk down the hall "You get some sleep to beech" she said. Raph watched her closely as she disappeared down the hall and stepped into one of the rooms closing the door. Raph didn't say another word before heading into his room and closing the door. I rubbed my temples and turned to Donnie who was still standing behind me. "Thanks for letting us stay here after the whole...well you know, aggressively pointing guns at you part," I said rubbing the back of my neck chuckling lightly. He let out a small laugh and smiled, "he's missing a tooth, but it made his smile kind of cute" I thought to myself. "Trust me we've had plenty of guns pointed at us before, and it's really no problem, we couldn't just let you guys go through this transition yourselves," he said crossing his arms. I strained my neck looking up at him, damn he was tall. I started to feel dizzy and could feel myself falling over, Donnie was quickly there holding me up "You should get some sleep, you need it," he said looking down at me. I simply nodded and walked down the hall to the other room. It was nice here, simple. I didn't have much time to admire the room before I fell onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.


Katie: that was fuckin nasty 

Mikey: aw come on dudette it wasn't that bad

Katie: shut up Mikey you no know nothing!

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