Chapter 29

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Katie's P.O.V.

The grass was so soft between my toes, the soft breeze tickling my skin. The tall trees groaned softly, the woods had never seemed so peaceful. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. So peaceful. Not a care in the world. I kept walking and a fog started to roll in, the light dimmed and I looked up only to see a red sky. The grass turned to coarse dirt beneath me, and the soft green color of the trees turned a gray-brown. Then everything went quiet, dead silence. The birds had stopped chirping, the water had stopped moving, even the hum of crickets had stopped. My palms started to sweat and my heart was racing. I heard the crack of a twig behind and I bolted down the path. I didn't bother checking behind me, but whatever was following me moved fast. My lungs were burning but I kept running. Eventually, I heard the running stop, I quickly hid behind a tree and took a moment to catch my breath. "Wh-what the hell was that" I huffed out and braced myself on my knees. The fog was really thick now, I could barely see in front of me. Before I could react there was a needle in my neck, I felt the pressure of the contents being pushed into my system. A hand was on my back and it turned me around, I looked into the face of my father, the man who single-handedly fucked me over. "Oh, joy.." I croaked out before he pushed me backward. I found no strength to fight against it, I felt my body drop into a deep hole, but I felt no pain once I hit the bottom. I couldn't move, my limbs felt non-existent and my breathing was shallow. My father said nothing, all he did was grab a shovel and started to bury me. All I could do was helplessly watch him do so, I didn't feel panicked or alarmed. I simply accepted my fate and gave up. This was how I was going to end, alone, in a hole, buried by my father. Snakes started to pour out of the walls and slither all over me. Again I felt nothing, this was what I deserved. I deserved to be alone, to suffocate. I couldn't see anymore and I inhaled deeply. I coughed hard but I couldn't stop, the more I coughed the more dirt I inhaled. My mouth tastes disgusting, like dirt and worms. I could still feel the snakes slithering over me. I closed my eyes and tried to stop coughing. I gave up, I didn't care anymore I just wanted this to be over. Then suddenly I was being dug up. The dirt slowly but surely being tossed away. Once there was enough gone I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me out of the hole. I still couldn't move and looked up at the face of my rescuer. Which was a beaver...a giant blue beaver? "I finally cracked" I coughed out. The beaver simply giggled and dragged me through the woods "Not yet you haven't". I looked around and the scenery slowly changed back to its original state, I was starting to have feelings in my limbs again. We stopped in an open area and the beaver let me go. I sat up slowly and looked at four beavers. Each one was slightly more terrifying than the last. The one that had been dragging me spoke, "You have proven to be an amusing human" it said. The red one spoke next "Your fears made quite the interesting dream, it gave us much to feed off of". I looked at the blankly then sighed "This was a dream, ah man! What the hell! That's so messed up!" I snapped. The four beavers looked at me in confusion, then the purple one spoke up "As we were saying! As we have found you amusing, we've decided to let you go, so that you may have the chance to save your friend". "Wait which friend? What's wrong with them? Hey! Stop ignoring me!" everything started to fade away. Before I knew it I was awake, Mikey and Donnie were saying something to me but I ignored them and listened to Raph and Leo yell down the hall. "Why is she so pale!?" "I don't know man!". They were freaking out, and I sighed "Dammit Mia,".

Mia's P.O.V.

I smiled, he looked so beautiful in this lighting. Raph smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. I looked down at our intertwined hands and looked at our wedding rings. It had taken him long enough to ask, but it was worth the wait. Looking at it now this was so unreal, then I heard the pitter-patter of feet followed by squeals and I realized just how real it was. Four kids came running out of the house, the first bigger than the rest, the next to about the same size, and the last on the smallest of them all. My friends were out front playing with our kids. Happy faces on all of them. I laid my head on Raph's shoulder and smiled "I love you Raphie". "Raphie loved you too," a hoarse voice said in Raph's place. I lifted my head quickly to see a clown face, it was a mask on the face of a doctor. I screamed and quickly tried to get up, only to find myself strapped to a table. Nurses and Doctors started to surround the table, all of them with clown masks. I screamed and went pale as I looked around the room. My friends were all around the room. Mikey, mutilated in a corner, his shell-torn apart and all. I struggled more against the restraints that held me down, I snapped my head over to Leo to see him in restraints similar to mine. I watched as a bucket with a few rats was lowered onto his chest. Leo's eyes widened in fear, I could hear the squeaks of the rats and watched in horror as Leo screamed out in pain. Blood dripping out from the sides of the bucket. I started to cry "Leo! Please stop it!". A nurse turned my head and I saw Katie, she had a thick collar around her neck. A doctor slammed her into the wall several times. Her shoulders hitting the wall first, her head jerking backward until finally, I heard a snap. Tears streamed down my face as I watched the doctor throw her body to the ground, I shut my eyes tightly. I didn't want to see this anymore. The nurse opened my eyes and pulled my skin back grabbing a stapler. Before I could fight against it, the nurse had stapled my eyes open. She then forced my head to face Donnie. He was strapped like a star to a metal frame. A nurse had her hand on a lever, she pulled it down and the lights started to flicker and everything went dark for a moment. When the lights came back on, Donnie had electric burns all over his body. His head was hanging and his chest was no longer moving. I wanted to close my eyes, "God just fucking kill me already!" I snapped. Then the nurse moved my head one last time. My body tensed and at that moment, I definitely wanted to die. Raph was tied to a chair in front of me. Tied down with what looked like piano wire. "I-its okay baby just look at me, I'll get you out of this" he looked at me and I locked eyes with him. He looked just as scared as I felt. He tugged as his restraints in an effort to get to me. But with every tug the wire cut deeper into his wrist, stuck in it. From behind him, a doctor walked over with a bucket. "Raph! Watch out!" I yelled but it was no use, neither of us could move. His screams of pain broke me, his skin hissed with the liquid as it was poured down on him. I fought harder against my restraints, once the liquid was gone, his skin was covered in chemical burns. He was barely breathing yet he still found the strength to look up at me. Tears fell down my cheeks as I looked into his eyes. "Don't look, Mia, please just look away" was all he said before his head was off his shoulders rolling onto the floor. Leo's sword stuck in the chair still. Everything froze and started to play over and over again. The nurse continued to make me watch him die. A never-ending loop of losing the one I love. Everything started to fade around me, I couldn't lift my head. I didn't even bother fighting anymore, at that point the nurses had let me go. I felt so weak, I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to go to sleep. Everything then went numb as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

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