Chapter 20

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Raph's P.O.V.

"Here Mia" Mikey said, handing her a cup of tea. I was holding her close to me, she was wrapped in blankets. "Thanks, Mikey," Mia said accepting the tea and sipping cautiously. She was still shivering, I hadn't left her side since we got home. Splinter had taken out Shredder's goons and used the healing hands on Karai, then she disappeared. When we got back I focused on getting Mia to warm up, Donnie took Katie to the lab to make the antidote for the pollen shot in her face. Leo went to the dojo to talk to Sensai. Mikey, he stayed silent the entire way home, he barely talked once we got home either. I looked at him with a concerned expression and sighed when he walked into his room without even a goodnight. As much as I wanted to be there for him, Mia needed me now. "Go talk to him," Mia said sipping her tea. I looked at her confused for a second then chuckled lightly "I'll talk to him tomorrow" I replied. Mia looked up from her tea and smirked "I heard you yell my name earlier" she said. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks, I looked away from her and rubbed the back of my head "Well I uh- you see I was very concerned, so yes I did call out to you, you know just to check on you" I said. "God I'm a fucking idiot," I thought. Then she started giggling, just hysterical giggling. I turned around and looked at her in shock "Hey what's so funny?" I asked my blush deepening. "I-i'm sorry, it's j-just I've never seen you to flustered before!" Mia continued laughing. It was starting to piss me off, I was trying to be truthful and empathetic and she was laughing. I rolled my eyes and took her face in my hand, she was still laughing. I wanted her to shut up, I acted before I actually thought about it and I smashed my lips against Mia's. Mia blushed intensely but didn't push me away, she didn't scream or call me a monster. She simply set her teacup down, wrapped her arms around my neck, and she melted into our kiss. Her lips were so soft and warm, her small figure was pressed against me. I pulled away panting and looked into her eyes, she looked back into mine. "That's one way to get someone to shut up," she said smiling up at me. "Mia, I really like you, I've wanted you to be mine since the day we met," I said blushing intensely. She looked back at me and took my face in her hands "I feel the same way, Raphael". "Then if it's not too bold to ask, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously. Mia chuckled and kissed me again softly before saying "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Donnie's P.O.V.

"Katie! Just stop squirming! I'm trying to help!" I yelled as Katie screamed and fought against me. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SNAKE BITCH" she yelled kicking me in the chest. I coughed lightly and put a hand on my chest, damn she had more fight in her than I thought. I held the cotton swabs in my hand and tried to dab Katie's eyes again, only to get slapped across the face. Katie quickly jumped off the table and bolted for the door. "Alright, that's it!" I yelled running after her. Katie reached for the doorknob, but before she could open it I had her pinned to the floor beneath me. Her eyes widened as she stared up at me in fear, it hurt slightly to have her look at me that way. I quickly dabbed her eyes with the antidote and sighed. "There now was that so bad?" I asked looking down at her. Katie blinked a few times and looked at me with a confused expression on her face "Donnie?" she asked. "Yeah, it's me," I said smiling at her, Katie's face turned bright red as she put her hands on my chest "D-Donnie, you can g-g-get up n-now" she stuttered intensely. I blushed realizing I was still on top of her, I started to get up but hesitated. We were so close, her face was mere inches away from mine, it would be so easy to...I shook my head quickly and got up quickly holding a hand out to her. She took my hand and stood up wiping her pants off. "Thanks for saving me Don, and for helping me see right again, it means a lot," she said looking at me. I smiled weakly at her "No problem Katie, you should get some rest" I said sitting down at my desk. "O-okay, goodnight Donnie," Katie said walking out of the lab and closing the door softly. I held my head in my hands and sighed "Forget it, Donatello, it's not gonna happen". 


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