Chapter 13

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Donnie's P.O.V.

By the time Leo was done getting his point across, none of us could feel our muscles. We all slowly walked out of the dojo and walked into our respective areas, Mikey to the couch, Mia to her room to shower, Raph to his room to pass out, Katie and I to the lab. I groaned as I slumped into the chair at my desk, my muscles were extremely sore. "Never pegged you as the type to whine so much Don," Katie said walking over to Metalhead. She'd been working on him non-stop, she refused to work on anything else until she fixed him. I rolled my eyes and watched her as she opened his back panel. She squinted at the back of Metalhead as if she was having trouble seeing. I looked at her closely and smiled to myself. "Donnie do we need to go over how creepy it is when you stare at me again?" Katie asked not looking up from Metalhead. I blushed and looked at my desk "S-sorry, didn't mean to stare" I said. Katie looked at me for a second and suddenly her eyes widened "That's it! Donnie your a fucking genius!" she said laughing to herself looking back down at Metalhead. "Um, I kinda knew that but, thanks?" I said chuckling. This was the first time I had seen her so excited, it was refreshing to see. Katie quickly ran over to my desk and slid the headset for Metalhead on and grabbed the controller. Moments later Metalhead sprang to life, copying the motions Katie sent out from the controller. Katie laughed and took the headset off "Fuckin finally! Take that you stupid robot" she said smiling widely. My eyes widened in shock "I can't believe you actually fixed it!" I stood up and hugged Katie tightly spinning her around. I blushed madly having realized what I'd done and quickly set her down. Katie looked away from me quickly, but I could see the dark blush on her cheeks "I can't believe you doubted my mad skills" She said turning around. I smiled and sat back down "I'm sorry I doubted your skills," I said chuckling. "God she's cute," I thought, causing myself to blush again. Katie turned back around and kissed my cheek lightly "Goodnight Donnie". My blush deepened "G-g-g-goodnight K-Katie" I stammered watching her walk out of the lab. Damn that girl was trouble, but I didn't mind.


Raph: *wiggles eyebrows*

Donnie: *shoves Raph's face away* stop that!

Mikey: Bro you stuttered so bad! *falls over laughing* 

Mia: *flicks Mikey's head* oh leave the turtle be it's cute

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