Chapter 14

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Mia's P.O.V.

"Fuckin Leo, just who does he think he is getting mad at me for going up top," I said rolling my eyes as I got out of the shower. My muscles were screaming but I didn't particularly care. I needed to let off some steam, while my fight with Raph earlier had been very therapeutic, it wasn't enough. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my gear. Everyone had gone to bed, including Leo, so I silently snuck out of the lair and made my way up to the surface. I climbed onto the roof and looked at the skyline. As angry as I was, I took a moment to admire the city, even though all the sounds and all the evil that lurked, it was still so beautiful. It almost calmed me down a bit, almost. I heard a light footstep behind me and I quickly turned around to see a girl smiling at me. She was tall, she had short hair and she was heavily armored. I could see a tanto blade at her waist on her back but that was about it. "Nice night isn't it?" the girl said walking towards me slowly. I slowly reached my hand back and placed it on my katana. "Indeed, might I ask who you are '' I said grasping the handle. "Oh, where are my manners, my name is Karai '' she said smiling at me widely. It was fake, that smile, I could tell I've pulled enough of those to know the difference, "Well Karai It's very nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I have to get going, my family is waiting for me to return home" I said backing away. Faster than my eyes could see, Karai was in front of me grasping my wrist tightly "Well you can stay just a moment longer, right? They couldn't be missing you that much". " she said squeezing my wrist tighter. I winced slightly, she had a tight grip, but I've felt worse pain before. "Well you see my sister will be very concerned if I don't make it back soon," I said glaring at Karai. This girl wasn't going to let me go, I knew it, she knew it. There was dead silence for a few moments as we stood there assessing one another, then you heard the loud crash of metal against metal. I had my sword drawn and I held it in front of me in a defensive position. "You really shouldn't have done that sweetheart," Karai said. "Oops, my bad" I replied blocking Karai as she lunged at me with her tanto blade. I pushed her back causing her to falter, she quickly caught herself and stood back up in a fighting position. I could feel the sweat rolling down my face. I could hear Karai's heavy breathing, followed by her dramatic chest movements. I drew my other sword and pointed it at Karai "Now what do you want?" I asked, not breaking eye contact with her. Karai chuckled and lunged at me again, lower this time. I couldn't react quick enough before she made a deep slice into my thigh. "I need your help with something dear, I need to get to the turtles, and I'm aware you are very familiar with them," she said kicking my back. I fell forward but used my hands to flip me over before I could hit the floor. "And you think I'll just help you with this," I said grunting as I landed on my right leg, the cut was deep, bleeding way too much. "Gotta get away from her," I thought. I hated running away from a fight, but right now it was the best course of action. "Whoever said anything about you willingly helping" Karai replied with a smirk. Karai stuck her hand in her pocket and I knew I was in trouble. I could smell the powder before it hit my face, it smelt of baby powder and wasabi. I shut my eyes as quickly as I could, but some of the blinding powder made it through and my eyes were burning. As much as it hurt I couldn't let my guard down now. I heard a click, like the one from a camera. Then the shift in her footsteps, she was coming in for another attack, higher this time. I held my sword in front of me and twisted my body to avoid the blade that was coming for my shoulder. I spun around and felt my blade make contact with skin, slicing through her armor. Karai grunted and I heard her fall to her knees. I didn't waste time in trying to get away, she was down and this was my chance. I carefully made my way off the roof. I heard no footsteps behind me so she was down and out, for now. 


Mia: I'll have a sick scar at least right? 

Katie: *face palms*

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