Chapter 16

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Raph's P.O.V.

"Mia!? What the hell happened" I heard Mikey yell. Her name was initially what woke me up. The following sentence had me jumping out of bed. I ran out of my room so see Mikey holding Mia up, she looked pale and she was bleeding from her thigh. "I-I ran into this girl, said her name was Karai" Mia croaked out. I quickly ran over and picked her up bridal style "Mikey go wake up Katie and bring her to the lab" I snapped and walked into the lab. "R-Raph is that you?" Mia said looking around, her eyes were red. "Yeah sweetheart, I'm right here," I said laying her down on a table in the lab. Mia quickly grabbed my hand and held it tightly "Don't go, please" she said looking in my direction. I squeezed her hand tightly and smiled weakly "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere". Katie ran in moments later, her eyes were droopy, Mikey followed her with a red mark on his face in the shape of a pillow. I chuckled lightly and watched as Katie ripped Mia's pants and started cleaning her leg. She worked quickly to stop Mia from losing any more blood, she said nothing. I watched anxiously as she worked, rubbing the back of Mia's hand gently. Katie started wrapping Mia's leg. Mia winced every now and then as tears streamed out of her eyes. Seeing her in pain broke my heart, I was filled with anger as I thought about what Karai had done. Katie finished wrapping Mia's leg, Leo and Mikey stood by the door, Donnie stood close to Katie watching her work. "Mia do you think you can stand, maybe if Raph helps you, we have to rinse your eyes out," Katie finally said looking at Mia. Mia nodded weakly and sat up, I helped her off the table and walked her slowly over to the sink. Katie helped Mia rinse out her eyes and Mia sighed in relief. "That's much better," Mia said standing up straight. "You still need to rest your eyes, you technically should have been resting your eyes all night," Katie said causing Mia to chuckle nervously. Katie proceeded to grab bandages and wrap the over Mia's eyes "Keep these on until morning,". Mia sighed and held my hand tightly "Help me to my room?". "I'm kinda busy but I guess I can" I replied earning a laugh as I walked her out of the lab. "She smells like vanilla," I thought as we made our way down the hall into her room. Mia stubbed her toe on her bed as she walked in and whimpered in pain. "Sorry sweetheart," I said helping her to lay down. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that" she replied with a huff. "Sorry sorry" I laughed lightly and stood up. Mia squeezed my hand tightly and tugged me slightly "S-stay...please". I could see a small blush on her cheeks, at the same time I felt my face heat up. "Sure yeah, I can stay" I replied laying down next to her. Mia lays on her side facing me "Thanks Raph, your help means a lot" she said. "Yeah yeah don't mention it" I replied looking at Mia. Within moments she was already asleep. Funny thing was, she still hadn't let go of my hand.

Katie's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe my eyes, they were so fucking cute! Mikey and I quickly snapped pictures of Mia curled up next to Raph on her bed. Both of us had to cover our mouths to keep the sound of our laughs from waking them. "What are you guys doing?" Raph said, opening an eye, shooting us a glare. My face dropped along with Mikey's as we sprinted away from the room as quickly as possible and hid on the couch. Leo looked up from the TV and looked at us questioningly "What did you two do now?" he asked. "Oh nothing of much importance," Mikey said, then we heard the footsteps, slowly coming down the hall. They got louder and louder, Mikey and I sunk deeper into the couch. "You guys better come out, or you will end up more broken than your phones" Raph growled making his way over to the couch. "Fuck this shit I'm out!" I yelled and sprinted into the lab and shut the door quickly. "Katie why?!" I heard Mikey yell through the door followed by a scream, then the sound of a phone dropping. I snickered and leaned against the door, Donnie was in the lab working on something, I couldn't see what. "She smells nice," Donnie said. I turned to face him and raised my eyebrows "Who smells nice?" I asked, smirking. Donnie quickly snapped his head to me, his face had turned a deep red. "W-what did you say?" he asked looking at me pretending to be confused. "I saaaaid, who smells nice Donnie" I replied walking over to his desk. "I n-n-never said anyone smelt nice" he stammered. "Oh come on Donnie I heard you," I said rolling my eyes. "No Katie I literally didn't say anything," Donnie said looking at me with wide eyes. "Donnie just admit it, you think-" I froze, Donnie was on the floor, motionless. He didn't say a word, he barely looked like he was breathing. Then I saw it, white, long, black eyes, sharp fangs. I bolted out of the lab screaming only to see that everyone else looked just like Donnie. Snakes emerged from everywhere in the room, my heart was racing, my body wouldn't move. I felt a sting on my ankle and I looked down to see two little holes in my ankle. My whole world started to spin and it wasn't long before I hit the ground and fell unconscious.


Mia: Why are you all looking at me like that!! 

Katie: *wheezes* you're so innocent it hurts! 

Mia: *crosses arms and huffs* bullies

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