Chapter 31

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Donnie's P.O.V.

We really had meant to tell them, we had so many opportunities to tell them. But when it came to telling them, we couldn't. "What if they didn't want us? What if they found it gross and left us? What if they started to hate us because of this?" These had been the thoughts plaguing my mind for weeks. It was these thoughts that kept me from telling Katie. Raph was in a similar boat to me. Leo and Mikey were little help, Mikey even threatened to tell the girls and Raph tackled him to the ground for it. I sighed and shook my head, we had to tell them. The house was in sight now, I glanced at Raph and looked at me and shook his head. I huffed and nodded "We'll tell them when we absolutely can't hide it anymore". "Alright guys the barn is ready for us, just go grab your crap and bring it there," Leo said, bolting inside quickly. "Alright, just a quick in, quick out. I've got this" I thought in my head and smiled. Then I walked inside, and those thoughts immediately changed, her scent overwhelmed my senses. Raph froze next to me and I knew he was having the very same feeling. I huffed; this was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I walked upstairs and made my way into the room Katie and I had been sharing for the past few weeks. I was relieved when she finally started talking to me again. I had missed making her laugh, holding her in my arms, making stupid references to TV shows. Katie was laying down on the bed, book in her hands, hugging a pillow. I quickly went to work, packing my stuff so we could move down to the barn. "Um, what are you doing?" Katie asked putting her book down giving me a confused look. "The guys and I are staying in the barn for a while," I said, trying my best to avoid looking at her. I heard the bed creak behind me and inhaled deeply as a pair of arms wrapped around my neck, "But you're always in the baaaaaarn," Katie whined hugging my neck. "I-I'm sorry dove, but I have to" I huffed out and stood up. Katie continued to cling to me and pressed herself into my back. "If you loved me, you would stay," she said releasing me from her hold. Katie proceeded to cross her arms and gave me a pouty face. "Dove that's not fair" I sighed and turned around to face her. I looked her up and down, why of all days did she decide to wear so little. I gulped and crossed my arms, there was no way I would fall for this. "Life's not very fair love," she said looking up at him. But those eyes, damn it was hard to say no to her. I shook my head quickly and sighed "I'm sorry dove, but I have to" I quickly planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled away. I turned around and grabbed my stuff, then I heard the sniffling. I turned my head around to see Katie wiping her eyes, she grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly, tears streaming down her face. I dropped my stuff and quickly knelt in front of her "wait no baby please don't cry" I said holding her face in my hands. Katie sniffled and made eye contact with me. That's when I knew I was done for. Ten minutes later she was giggling as I held her in my arms, she was reading her book to me as I nuzzled my face into her neck. My arms tightened around her; she didn't seem to notice. My heart was racing, it was a whole other situation when it came to my thoughts. I just had to pick the girl that could read my mind, didn't I? I focused on what she was saying, forcing my mind to stay on the story. Her neck was so soft, I couldn't help but kiss it once softly. A blush crept onto Katie's cheek and she shivered slightly. I smirked slightly, that was an interesting reaction. I shook my head quickly and turned my attention back to the book. God these next few weeks we're gonna be hell.

Raph's P.O.V.


"Dammit Mia, now? Really?" I thought as I stepped into the house. I could smell her from here, vanilla and a slight hint of sweat. Why did she have to pick now of all times to work out? I huffed and made my way upstairs and paused in front of our door. I could hear her moving inside the room, I took a deep breath." Alright, this is no problem. Just have to grab my things, tell her I love her, hope she doesn't ask any questions and get out. Easy peasy right?" I thought to myself before walking into the room. Dammit, that is hot. There Mia was, on the floor doing crunches. In a bra and I swear the shortest shorts she owned. I looked her up and down for a moment and bit my lip. "Okay no! No! I have a mission!" I huffed shaking my head quickly. "Morning love," Mia said looking up at me. "Morning doll face," I said back and started packing my stuff up. I could feel her questioning gaze burning into my back, "Raphie, where is my morning kiss?" she said. I chuckled lightly and turned back around pecking her lips gently. My lips tingled lightly, "happy now?" I asked pulling away quickly before I did anything else. "Um no. Just what are you doing?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm going down to the barn with the guys for a while," I replied. "Why?" she asked getting up and hugging my arm. I tensed and inhaled deeply, "Cause of! Yeah, Leo has this crazy training regimen so were uh ready for when we go back to New York," I said forcing a smile." Please buy it, please please please"  I thought, crossing my fingers behind my back. "Then why hasn't Leo told me about it? She asked crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the floor. "It's also an uh brotherly bonding activity, and you are not a brother," I said smirking. "A brotherly bonding activity? I smell bullshit." Mia replied putting her hands on her hips. "Yeah well then your nose is broken," I huffed flicking her nose lightly. Mia huffed and wrapped her arms around my neck "No leaveeee" she whined as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. "Oh goddammit," I sighed and held her legs. "Come on love don't make this difficult," I said avoiding eye contact with her. "You're the one being difficult!" she pouted and looked up at me, clinging to me tightly. "You're not gonna let go, are you?" I asked meeting her eyes. "No, no I am not" she smiled innocently. "Gotta go to the barn. I can't stay. Have to go to the barn" I thought. "You're lucky I love you" I sighed and laid down on the bed holding her. Mia giggled and traced her finger along the crack in my shell. I held my breath and moved my hands to her waist and did my best to keep them there. Mia looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, "Raphie why are you so tense?" she asked me, taking my face in her hands. I let a breath out slowly and smiled, "No reason love," I said pulling her closer to me. "You're sure?" she said rubbing my cheeks with her thumbs softly. "Yes, baby I'm sure, stop worrying so much" I replied kissing her softly. Her lips were so soft against mine, Mia wrapped her arms around my neck in response and returned my kiss. She tasted so sweet, her skin soft beneath my fingers. I grabbed Mia's hips and held her against me tightly deepening our kiss. I snapped back to reality and blinked a few times pulling away slowly. Mia was panting lightly, our legs tangled together. Dammit, she was so beautiful, I wanted her so damn bad. At this rate, I didn't think I was gonna last a few weeks.

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