Chapter 28

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Katie's P.O.V.

I had heard everything from when I was asleep. Every story Mikey told me, every time Donnie cried holding me begging me to wake up, every concerned comment Leo made. The rare times' Mia would come in and just apologize for everything that happened, blaming herself, hating herself, and I couldn't do anything to help. Then there was the fight between Mia and Donnie. Both of them emotionally unstable, Donnie pinning all the blame on Mia, and Mia simply letting him. Yelling back at him that she was sorry, that she knew this was her doing. It pissed me off that this was even an argument, it hurt me that me being out had caused this to escalate for so long. The fact that they both had the audacity to think any of this is anyone's fault but my own was infuriating. They both were looking at me with concerned expressions, waiting for me to say something. Since the others had left the room no one had said anything, I only glared at them. "So does anyone have anything they would like to say?" I said. Donnie cleared his throat "I-I'm so happy your awake, we missed you so much". "Y-yeah, we thought you wouldn't wake up for a moment," Mia said her voice cracking. "So while I was asleep, instead of sticking together and helping each other through this" I coughed "You decided it would be a good idea to pin the blame on each other?". I was pissed, so close to exploding, "But she should have listened-" Donnie started, only to be interrupted. "You pinned the blame on Mia! My best friend Donatello! This wasn't her fault, she did what she could! This was my fault!" I yelled, starting to tear up out of anger. Donnie was speechless for a second and I snapped my head to Mia. "And you, would I ever blame you for what happened!? NO! I wouldn't because I should have made you wait for the guys! I should have been more careful! It's truly insulting that you're taking credit for my fuckup!" I wheezed out, my throat is raw. I went into a coughing fit, Donnie went to rub my back and I smacked his hand away. "Get out. Both of you" I spat. Donnie flinched and looked down as he walked out. Mia hesitated before walking out "Don't be too hard on him please.." she said as she walked out. I layed back down, I felt lightheaded. Everything hurt, all I wanted to do was sleep. So that's just what I did.

Shredder's P.O.V.

I poured water over him again and again. I watched the dirt slowly disappear from his shaking body. I chuckled lightly at the situation, we had been doing this for hours, cold buckets of water were splashed over the girls' father again and again. The stench was finally starting to disappear, and I was finally able to tell the difference between his skin and his clothes. "W-why did you l-let me out" he wheezed out, his voice hoarse. I grabbed a hose off the floor and turned it on, "You're finally going to prove your use to me Logan" I said simply before spraying him with the hose. He coughed and groaned, but he had no energy to move away. "W-what can I do to ever satisfy you Master Shredder?" Logan spat onto the floor, blood mixed in with his spit. I waved Karai over as she held a collar in her hands. "You see recently I have made some new friends, and they are quite handy with technology, one click of this button and you'll be mutated just as your daughter was, though I doubt you'll have her luck" I smirked. I watched the man's eyes widen in fear as my daughter fit the collar around his neck. "You see I don't expect you to listen to me willingly, but I believe with the proper motivation you will fall into line very quickly," I said, everything was falling into place. Logan had gone pale, well paler than he already was, he looked as if he was about to fight back. But that look of defiance had quickly faded as he slumped into the floor. "Never forget this Logan, you are mine and I'm so glad to have you back under my wing" I smirked and watched as my foot soldiers dragged him out of the room.

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