Chapter 2

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Mia's P.O.V.

I sneaked around the back quietly with Katie following close behind me. Over the years I had learned to be silent on my feet. My dad had always taught me to use my smallness as an advantage and he nurtured these skills to become my second nature. We had made our way into the courtyard and hid behind one of the many vans there was. "What the hell..." I heard Katie say as she peered around the truck and I peeked around the side, my eyes widening. "They all look the same '' I whispered. "What a weird gene pool," Katie said snickering. She had the tendency to joke in serious situations, it's one of her best qualities. "Wait Katie look at that one," I said pointing at a different person. Although you can't exactly call it a person, it looked more like a robot with a pink squishy thing in its stomach. "What the hell is that?" Katie said taking a step out from behind the truck. "Katie wait!" I whispered yelled at her and grabbed her arm pulling her back behind the truck. "Ah shit," I heard Katie say, her eyes wide as she stared ahead of her. Following her gaze, I saw that we were surrounded by about 15 people all with the same exact face. "Well hello there!" I said forcing a smile and looking up at the man in front of me. I noticed Katie slowly reaching down into her boot and I nudged her giving her a look that told her not to do whatever she'd planned on doing. Turning back to the men I said: "This is all just a big misunderstanding, we simply got lost but we've found our way and we'll just be going now, okay?" I started to back away but the men quickly grabbed my arms.

"Krang cannot do what is known as letting you go, Krang will now do the terminating of the one known as you"

I started to freak out, "these men were talking weird," I thought as I fought against them. Then I heard the gunshot, my ears rang as I slowly turned to where the sound came from. Katie was there holding a gun with a serious look on her face, her gun was pointed at one of the men who now had a clean hole through his neck. My eyes widened as I watched the man stand perfectly still, not even batting an eye he smacked the gun out of Katie's hand and threw her over his shoulder ." whoa bro!" she said as she flailed about. I quickly started to get irritated as I growled and tried to bring down the man holding me, "let her go dickface!" I yelled, not even receiving a reaction from the man.

The tall blue robot suddenly walked over and turned to the man restraining me "Krang will take the ones known as the humans to use as test subjects for Krang experiments"

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "What the hell is the Krang," I thought to myself before watching Katie get hit over the head by the man holding her and I sneered "You son of a bitch, you'll pay for that one" I continued to struggle but to no prevail. Within seconds the man had hit the back of my head and everything started going black, I looked up at the sky too see four dark clouds moving quickly across the sky, then there was nothing but complete darkness.


Katie: So Mia watches me when I type all this shit...

Mia: stop saying it like that! It's not creepy, I just like reading the story as it develops!


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