Chapter 8

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Mikey's P.O.V.

"So, do we wake them up or do we let them wake up themselves," I asked crossing my arms leaning against a counter in the kitchen. Just as I had said that Mia walked into the kitchen smiling weakly, she still looked pale, but she seemed in a better place than she was yesterday "Morning everyone" she said. "Morning dudette, did you sleep well?" I asked, smiling. She yawned and looked at me "Yeah actually I did, surprisingly". "Ya well that makes one of us" I heard Katie say shuffling into the kitchen. "You look like shit," Raph said and Leo shot him a glare. Katie sat down and slammed her head on the counter and my brothers, and I looked at her with concerned faces. "Don't worry she does that a lot" Mia said walking over to the coffee pot and pouring a cup, setting it in front of Katie. "That doesn't make it any less concerning," Donnie said watching Katie down the coffee within seconds. "Woah dudette chill on the vitamin coffee, you're going to burn your throat," I said snickering. Katie simply shrugged and set the cup in the sink and rinsed it out. Mia started to wobble and Raph was suddenly at her side grabbing her arm and holding her up. "Is it normal to feel this shitty after having contact with that mutagen stuff?" Katie asked turning around her face just as pale as Mia's. "Well if you'd allow it, I could run some tests, your bodies could just be rejecting the mutagen," Donnie said crossing his arms. "I think that would be best, something doesn't feel right, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a turtle," Mia said leaning into Raph more. Katie seemed to shrink away slightly but nodded and followed Donnie, Raph, and Mia into the lab. "Those girls really are something else," Leo said setting his cup down. "Your right about that dude," I said walking out of the kitchen and into the lab.

Mia's P.O.V.

I leaned against Raph weakly, Something didn't feel right and I could feel it. I looked around the lab curiously, captivated by the number of strange objects in the room. Katie followed close behind, she was snickering, probably because of how close I was to Raph. "Damn you beech," I thought cursing her in my head colorfully. I couldn't help but glance at him, I mean he was a giant turtle, but there was so much more to look at. Raph smirked and glanced at me "Take a picture it lasts longer" he said helping me onto the counter. "Hypocrite," I said blushing lightly. Raph laughed lightly and backed away from me, making me cold. It was slightly disappointing that he wasn't holding me up anymore, but those thoughts immediately disappeared once I watched Donnie start to walk over with a needle. My face dropped "D-do we really have to use that?" I asked scooting away slightly. "A blood sample is the quickest way we can identify the problem," Donnie said holding his hand out. I sighed and shakily held my arm out to him. Katie walked over and put a hand on my shoulder, She has a slight phobia of needles like I do, she's just a tad better at hiding it than I am. Donnie stuck the needle into my arm and I flinched. But as soon as it had started it was over and there was only a small dot of blood on my arm. "See not so bad right?" Katie said patting my shoulder and sitting next to me. "Exactly," Donnie said smiling and repeated the process with Katie which he just did with me. Donnie then got up and moved over to his microscope, setting the blood onto sample slides and slid them under the microscope. "Well that's not good," Donnie said sighing. "Um, what isn't good?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Donnie turned and looked at me and Katie "Well the mutagen the Krang used is unstable, that's why you're having so much trouble adjusting". "Well is there any way we can make it stable," I asked digging my nails into my palms. Donnie sighed "All we can do is wait till I can make a serum that will stabilize your human and mutant cells,". Katie started mumbling to herself next to me so I turned to her and gave her a look. "Do you have an idea dude?" I asked hopefully. "W-well if we can make temporary stabilizers, it would give Donnie time to make the serum," she said picking at her nails."Something you would have at all times," Donnie said tapping his foot. "Maybe a watch that regulates our cells," Katie said looking up at Donnie. Raph nudged my arm and whispered, "I'm guessing she's a tech geek too?". I chuckled and nodded getting up and walking out of the lab slowly as to not disturb the intense brainstorm. Raph followed behind me as I plopped onto the couch and huffed. Raph stared down at me and crossed his arms ''You hungry?" he asked. I avoided looking at him and shook my head "No thanks I'm good". I heard him walk away and shrugged " That's easier than it is with Katie," I thought smiling triumphantly. That is until Raph walked back over holding a plate with a slice of pizza on it. "Eat it or I shove it down your throat," Raph said, giving me a serious look. I rolled my eyes and sat up taking the plate, "Spoke too soon" I sighed and took a bite glaring at Raph who had taken a seat next to me. Raph smirked and stared at the TV, it was some weird space cartoon that Leo was intently watching. I ate half the pizza and set the plate down next to me. "I hope you know, you will be eating that whole slice of pizza," Raph said not looking away from the TV."Why do you even care?" I asked looking at him. "For one, you need to eat. Secondly, how are you gonna kick Krang ass if you're starving yourself" he replied rolling his eyes. "Damn someone's grumpy," I said, giving him the same amount of attitude. Raph turned his head and glared at me, "Ah shit, I'm in trouble" I thought shooting my own glare back at him. He stared at me for a second, as if he was trying to see my soul, only to start busting up laughing moments later. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him questionably. "Sorry sorry, It's just funny how you have more balls than my brothers do when it comes to challenging me," He said trying to catch his breath while wiping his eyes. Leo turned around and glared at Raph. "SHHHH" Leo hushed turning back around earning an eye roll from Raph. I laughed lightly and turned my attention to the TV, eating the rest of the pizza slowly but surely.


Katie: *wiggles her eyebrows at Mia*

Mia: stop looking at me like that!

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