Chapter 4

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Leo's P.O.V.

I ran quickly across the rooftops and turned my brother Donnie "Tell me again why we're breaking into TCRI,". Donnie quickly ran up beside me "I need more mutagen so I can continue trying to make an antidote for the people that have been mutated against their will" he shrugged and smiled "besides I can feel it I'm really close!" I looked ahead of me and stopped and looked at the huge TCRI building. "Not getting cold feet are ya fearless?" I heard my brother Raph ask in a mocking tone. I turned around and glared at him. I rolled my eyes and looked at my 3 brothers "We get in, get the mutagen Donnie needs and we get out, try not to detour". Raph rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently "yes yes we get it can we go now?" "Yeah, dudes, I gotta get home I have pizza calling my name," my youngest brother Mikey said smiling widely. "Of course, that's your priority, Mikey" Raph rolled his eyes and jumped onto the roof of TCRI with the rest of us following suit. "Woah dudes hold up a sec, you seeing this?" Mikey said as he looked down into the courtyard. I looked in the same direction and saw the Krang carrying two girls into the building. "What happened to no detours" Raph scoffed. "Well we can't just leave em dudes," Mikey said looking up at me with pleading eyes. "They probably are going to be used as test subjects, I can still get what I need while we rescue them," Donnie said watching the girls disappear. "Alright then we'll get them out while we get the mutagen," I said and ran across the roof of TCRI with Donnie and Mikey close behind me. Raph stayed a moment longer than us but quickly rejoined us a moment later.

"Hopefully we make it in time before they mutate them, dudes," Mikey said quickly slipping inside the building followed by the rest of us. Our eyes turned white and we silently worked our way around making our way to the mutagen lab. "Guys look," Raph said pointing at the hallway, I looked over to see the two girls with angry faces being pushed down the hallway escorted by the Krang. "Let's follow them to the lab" I whispered being the first to move forward with following the Krang. I peeked around the corner as the Krang walked the girls into the room and the door locked shut behind them. "Donnie, can you get that open?" I said standing by the door as my brother walked over and opened the control panel. "Just give me sec guys," he said, turning his attention to the control panel. "NO!" I heard screaming from inside followed by a splash. Moments later I heard another splash and I sighed." Dammit" Raph said pulling a Sai out and stabbing the control panel, the door opened, and Donnie glared at Raph. "What you were taking forever," Raph said running past him into the room. I followed suit with the rest of my brothers and attacked the Krang keeping them off Donnie. "Dudes they're over here!" Mikey yelled taking off the heads of one of the Krang. I looked over to the girls and saw that they had in fact been mutated. "Guys, we better go, we triggered the alarm when SOMEONE stabbed the control panel!" Donnie yelled holding a can of mutagen. 

Raph's P.O.V.

"Well, I'm sorry I wanted to get this done today!" I rolled my eyes and turned my head to the girls passed out on the floor. They were soaked in mutagen, one of them still looked human, the other girl, however, wasn't as lucky. She had mutated into a turtle, like us. "What are the odds?" I thought gently picking up the turtle girl in my arms. She was so weak she was barely breathing, I huffed "God this better not bite us in the ass". Mikey walked over and picked up the other girl and smiled "awe they don't look as scary when they're sleeping". "Yeah just wait till they wake up," I said back to him." Guys lets go more are coming!" Leo yelled crashing through a window so we could get out. Mikey and I followed him quickly and ran to another roof with the girls. Moments later Donnie and Leo joined us and panted. "Next time can we just intercept a truck," Leo said glaring at Donnie. "Yeah, sounds good to me," Donnie said giving him a thumbs up. "So, dudes what do we do with these two?" Mikey asked, gesturing to the two girls. "I know where they live, I watched them walk out of their house while we were on our way here," I said. "That's creepy Raph," Mikey said and flinched as I raised my hand to smack him. "Let's just get them home, we'll hang around till they wake up so we can explain what happened," Leo said. "You sure about that fearless? What if they get scared and it alerts someone" I said running in the direction of the girl's apartment. "Well, then we'll have to remind them that we helped them," Leo said waving me off and following me. Little did I know, we were going to help them more than we already had.


Raph: you're really short *snickers*

Mia: *kicks Raph's leg and glares at him* I am not!

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