Chapter 10

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Mia's P.O.V.

It's been about 2 months since I've been mutated, the watch Katie and Donnie made stabilizes my cells and makes me appear human. So still a turtle, but I've become quite fond of the form. There are surprisingly a lot of advantages to being a turtle, like breathing underwater, but it's still nice to have my human body. I've been training with Splinter and the guys since I got here too. It was difficult at first, but I've gotten used to the harsh training. Though Raph likes to make things harder by messing me up every chance he gets. Then gives me a hard time for letting him mess me up. "And then he gives me that stupid smirk every time I get pissed at him for it!" I said waiting for Katie's reaction. She was trying to fix Donnie's robot Metalhead, I looked at her and saw she was snickering. "What's so funny?" I asked glaring at her. Katie looked at me and raised an eyebrow "You don't get it?" she asked. "Um, get what?" I asked crossing my arms."If you don't get it, I'm not telling you" she said looking back down at the robot. "Wait what am I not getting!? Katie tell me! Are you ignoring me!?" I yelled. Katie snickered and didn't look up from Metalhead, Donnie laughed from where he was fixing the Shellraiser. I frowned and glared at them both storming out of the lab, as soon as I left I heard them both bust up laughing so I slammed the door shut. Leo looked up at me from the couch as I stormed over and sat down on the couch, "Um...everything okay" he asked looking at me with a concerned expression. "Yeah, everything's fine, Katie and Donnie are just dicks, and I'm confused and nobody will explain anything to me!" I said hugging my knees. Leo smirked and looked at me "Is this about Raph?" he asked. "Well yeah, wait how did you know?" I said facing him. "Don't tell her dude!" Mikey yelled from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes. When I looked back at Leo I saw that he was gone. "OH GODDAMMIT!" I yelled grabbing a pillow shoving my face into it and let out a scream. "Whatever you all suck," I said getting up and grabbing my gear. I started to walk out of the lair and froze as I heard that familiar Brooklyn accent. "Where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see Raph staring at me with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the lair "Wherever I want" I replied. I could hear his footsteps following behind me, "Hope you don't mind some company then" he said. I could practically feel his smirk burning into the back of my head. "Actually I do mind" I spat back at him. "Well that's just too bad isn't it," Raph said matching my pace walking next to me. "Well this should be interesting," I thought as I as I climbed out of the sewer with Raph close behind me.

Raph's P.O.V.

"So why exactly are you up here?" I asked looking at Mia who stood on the roof in front of me. "I need to blow off steam" she replied not even bothering to face me. "Might I ask why?" I asked coming up behind her. "No you may not ask why," she said looking down into the alleyway. I followed her gaze and rolled my eyes "God, not Purple Dragons, don't tell me your gonna blow off steam by fighting them" I said turning to her. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye "And what's wrong with bashing on them" she asked raising an eyebrow. "It's not enough, you need a challenge, Purple Dragons are too easy," I said smirking. Mia turned around doing a 360 and she returned my smirk "I don't see anything remotely challenging" she said. I frowned and glared at her pulling my sai's out "Oh har har, very funny" I said focusing on her."The only thing that's funny is that you think I'm joking" she replied, her eyes narrowing on me as she pulled her katanas out slowly. "Well someone's in a mood today," I said as she started circling me. "Like your one to talk about being moody" she replied as she tried to sweep my feet out from under me. I quickly dodged and jumped back putting distance between us. "You've gotta try harder than that if you wanna hit me sweetheart" I smirked and lunged at her. She quickly disappeared and I looked in all directions quickly. "You're getting pretty good at that, but not good enough" I turned around quickly expecting her to be behind me. Much to my surprise, she wasn't. Before I could collect myself I was on the ground on my back, my eyes widened as I stared into Mia's honey-colored eyes as she held her sword to my throat. "So tell me, where was the challenge in that?" she said looking down at me. I was speechless, she had me pinned, a couple of months ago she couldn't even keep up with me. "Hello? Earth to Raph" she said flicking my nose. I blinked a few times and shook my head "Don't get too excited, I let you win" I lied and sat up propping myself up on my elbows. " Sure Raph, whatever helps you sleep at night" Mia put her katanas back in their sheaths and got up off me blushing lightly, "Thanks though, for the spar, I feel a lot better," she said holding a hand out to me. "Don't mention it" I replied taking her hand and getting up. She smiled up at me "I mean it Raph, thank you". I returned her smile "Anytime sweetheart" I replied nudging her slightly. Mia glared at me and smacked my arm "And stop calling me that". I laughed lightly and jumped off the roof, "Sorry sweetheart, but that ain't gonna happen" I said holding the sewer. Mia rolled her eyes at me and jumped down, I hesitated for a moment before following her down into the sewers. 


Katie: *tries not to laugh*

Mia: *growls* cut it out already!!! what is so funny?!?!?!

Katie: I no knowwwwwww 

Leo: *face palms*

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