Chapter 1

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Katie's P.O.V.

"Hey! dude, do you need help with those boxes?" I yelled walking into the apartment. It was a decent size, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and the living room was connected to the kitchen and we had a decent view of an alley. Yeah it wasn't much but it was our new home, "Knowing Mia, she's going to decorate the shit out of this place," I think chuckling at the thought. "Nah I've got it," Mia said carrying in boxes that blocked her vision, towering over her due to her extreme shortness, she set the boxes down and huffed. "You know what, it's not that bad" I chuckled and set the boxes down and stretched. "Can we take a break? We've been moving boxes all fucking day" Mia said cracking her back. "Sure, we could go walk around, get some fresh air," I said grabbing something out of my bag and quickly sliding it into my boot. "Yes! Okay let's go" she said walking out of the house. I quickly followed her locking the door to our new apartment and matched her pace walking beside her. "I can't believe we finally have our own place; you know I really hate adulting but, it's kind of nice to do things yourself," I said looking around. "Amen to that sis "Mia said chuckling. Mia, my best friend, she's basically the only person I really consider my family. We've been friends since high school and we basically survived it together. Honestly don't know where I would be without her. "SOOO I was reading about our area and there's a company around here called TCRI," Mia said smirking slightly. I turned to her and returned her smirk, "And what about it?". "Well apparently It's been seen doing some pretty sketchy stuff," she said slowing to a stop and looked at the rooftops around us. I stopped next to her and followed her gaze," Well then are you up for an adventure?". "You bet your ass I am Beech," she said turning her attention back to me as we started making our way to TCRI.


Mia: What could possibly go wrong?

Katie: You do realize how retarded we are, right?

Mia: I said, what could possibly go wrong!? 

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