Chapter 3

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Katie's P.O.V.

I woke up with a splitting headache, opening my eyes slightly I looked around and pushed myself up off the cold metal floor. The room I was in was a dark grey, two doors, both of which could serve as an entrance or exit. I stood up weakly and leaned against the wall. "God my fuckin head hurts," I thought and started kicking the door, I didn't accomplish anything by kicking it, but it certainly made me feel better. I glanced at Mia who still laid on the floor unconscious. "Aw she looks so peaceful," I said before shaking her rapidly. She opened her eyes quickly and shot me a glare, "You couldn't have woken me up nicely". "No... No, I could not," I said smiling as she lightly punched my shoulder and got up. "Where exactly are we?" Mia asked rubbing the back of her head. I knocked on the metal walls and raised my eyebrows "some sort of cell, but I have no clue what kind of metal this is, never seen or felt it before,". "Well we don't exactly have much time to find out before they come and get us, they want to use us for some sort of experiments" Mia huffed and crossed her arms. I flinched slightly and clenched my fists "Well then we just got to get the hell out-" I turned around quickly as one of the doors opened to reveal 3 of the strange blue robots we saw earlier. Mia growled and tried to punch one in the face, only to be holding her hand a split second later in pain. The robot things once again restrained us and pushed us out of the room. Mia and I looked around, looking for any possible means of escape, to which we found none. They brought us to this big room, it smelt of rotten eggs, slime, and mucus. "oh, okay that shits nasty" I gagged and looked at Mia who also had a face of disgust.

We stood above a giant tank, I looked to see what was in the tank and raised my eyebrows. It was a whole load of this weird green ooze stuff. I gagged once more before looking at Mia. She was in fight or flight mode and that's when I knew something was about to go wrong.

The robot holding Mia walked her over to the end of the bridge as she fought against him. I fought against the man holding me "I swear to god you freak you better let her go or so fuckin help me!" I growled trying my hardest to break free. "Let me go!" Mia sneered trying to stay as far away from the edge of the bridge as possible. My eyes widened in fear "NO!" I screamed as I watched the robot throw Mia off the bridge and into the green ooze. Mia screamed falling into the green ooze with a splash. Without thinking I forced myself out of the arms of the robot and dived in after her. I coughed and inhaled the green ooze, my lungs started to burn followed by the rest of my body. I couldn't see but I felt Mia thrashing and I quickly grabbed her arm and swam back up to the top of the tank. Once we resurfaced, we both gasped for air, I helped push Mia out of the tank. My head felt fuzzy, my insides were burning, my arms and legs felt like jelly. I weakly pushed myself out of the tank and fell to the floor crawling to Mia. I could barely see, but I could tell she had changed. She had gotten taller, she was more built, most importantly she had turned a jade green color. Mia was already fast asleep on the floor and then the robots from before were already coming down to get us. I held her close to me, hoping that it would in some way protect her, but I could feel myself fading out of consciousness. My eyes started to droop and my grip on Mia started to loosen. Suddenly I heard a loud crash, followed by the sounds of metal against metal. I heard voices, not like the ones from the robots, but actual voices. I fought to stay awake long enough to see four figures looming over me and Mia before I myself blacked out.


Mia: Are you seeing ghosts beech?

Katie: I no know, but if I am then they are some pretty sexy ass ghosts

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