Chapter 22

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Donnie's P.O.V.

Katie and I had made our way to TCRI, during that time we had said nothing to one another. We never even made eye contact, and it was my fault. I had seen her face while I argued with Leo in the lab previously. I shouldn't have said that the hurt on her face slapped me across the face. But as soon as I had seen it, it was gone as if it was never there. Once we got to TCRI we immediately got into the lab and started planting the bombs. Katie only spoke to me when she reminded me to turn them on and make sure that each one was half a foot apart from the others. She had never seemed so far away from me, all I wanted was for her to be by my side again. After setting the bombs we made our way outside surprisingly without setting off any alarms. Katie had the detonator in her hand and we climbed onto a roof across from TCRI. We sat on the edge of the roof and stared out at the building across from us. Katie pressed the button on the detonator and the timer started to count down from three minutes. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, she was staring at TCRI blankly. "So you doin?" I asked, clearing my throat. Katie turned her head to face me and rolled her eyes ''So you suddenly care?" she scoffed facing forward again. "Of course I care! Look, I'm sorry about what I said in the lab-" I started, but was interrupted. "It's not just that Donnie! You've been dodging me for months!" she snapped. I flinched, she had tears in her eyes, her hands were shaky. The timer had a minute and a half left. I'd never seen her so emotional before, she was so hurt and it was my fault. "Katie I-" I tried again. "No Donnie! I don't get what I did wrong! Like explain to me what I did and I'll make up for it!" she snapped at me as tears streamed down her face. There were thirty seconds left, "When we first met Donnie you immediately caught my attention, and over the past few months, believe it or not, I actually developed feelings for you. But since your having a little man period, I can see that I'm the only one with these feelings!" I flinched and blushed madly. Katie was in tears in front of me letting her feelings run free, and for months I was blind to it. Katie shoved the detonator into my hands and turned away from me "I'll be back later" she told me and started to walk away. The explosions started and I dropped the detonator. I grabbed Katie by her wrist and turned her around holding her shoulders. "Donnie let me-" this time I interrupted. "Katie just fucking listen, okay? Look I'm sorry for being a dick and for just being a guy in general. It's not an excuse for treating you the way I did and I'm sorry. But I need you to know that I've got feelings for you too. That's why I've been distant, I just didn't think you'd like me back" I said wiping her face. She looked up at me in shock, her face as red as mine. "Why the hell wouldn't I like you brainiac?" she said before taking my face in her hands and kissing me. I blushed madly and closed my eyes melting into it. Her soft lips pressed against mine, and all I could smell was her. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her against me. After a moment we both pulled away and panted lightly "Did you really have to call me brainiac?" I said. We both started laughing and started our way back home. "So, now I kinda gotta question," I said nudging Katie with my elbow. She glanced at me and nudged me back "Well I may have an answer" She replied. "Well seeing as how we kinda just confessed our feelings for one another, I think it would be appropriate to ask you to be my g-girlfriend," I said as we dropped down into the alley. Katie blushed and smiled at me "That was by far the dorkiest way I've ever been asked out, yes Donnie I'll be your girlfriend". I smiled widely and opened the manhole cover "Oh thank god I thought- wait how many times have you been asked out?" I said looking at Katie. She simply shrugged and laughed as she dropped down into the sewer. I rolled my eyes playfully and dropped down after her. 


Mia: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww 

Donnie: *blushes* shut up Mia 

Mia: make me *sticks tongue out* 

Donnie: *growls* Come here! 

Mia: *screams and runs away* 

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