Chapter 30

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Raph's P.O.V.

"Leo what do we do?!" I yelled holding Mia's face in my hands. She was so pale, her limbs so limp. She didn't even seem to be breathing, but her chest moved slightly. Mikey and Donnie were down the hall in a similar situation, Mikey had gone to check on Katie. Then he found her pale, Mikey was yelling and screaming about it. When Mia hadn't reacted to his behavior I bolted upstairs and found her like this. It had been like this for an hour, she wouldn't wake up no matter what we did, we yelled, we shook her, we even splashed water on her but she wouldn't wake up. "Baby please just wake up for me," I said rubbing her cheeks with my thumbs. "Katie you can't be moving around like this so soon," Mikey said from down the hall. I glanced at the door and saw Katie clinging to Donnie as he walked her down the hall. "Mikey...shut up" was all she said. In all honesty, It seemed like all she could manage. Donnie helped her sit down on the bed and she looked down at Mia, her eyes full of worry. She mumbled something about beavers and put her hands on the sides of Mia's head. We all looked at her with a confused expression and flinched when she pulled her hands away. "Fuck shit dammit fuck fuckity fuck fuck" was all she said. Her hands were shaking and she looked terrified. "Katie what did you do?" I asked looking at her. "It's not gonna end, dammit I fucked up, dammit fuck why goddammit," she trembled. I looked back at Mia and my heart dropped. Her chest stopped moving, her hands were cold, her skin was a pale grey. My hands started to shake as I held her hands in mine, "baby come on don't this. Please you've gotta come back to me." I sobbed out. She still didn't move, she still didn't respond. I didn't know what to do, I laid my head on her chest and I heard no heartbeat. "Come on Mia, come on" I growled and started doing CPR. I couldn't lose her, I was not going to lose her. Leo stared down at her, his fists were balled. Donnie was rubbing Katie's back as she let tears fall down her face. Mikey looked at the floor sadly "Dude shes-" I interrupted him "No she isn't dammit!" I spat. I continued to give her CPR, we just had to get her heart going and she'd be fine. "Mia please baby please" I whispered. Still no response. I stopped and let my hands fall into my lap. I looked down at the floor. I didn't even care that tears rolled down my face. She was gone...fucking gone. "Did I miss anything?" a hoarse voice whispered. I snapped my head back to Mia and there she was smiling up at me. "Oh thank god," I said, wiping my face quickly, pulling her into my chest. She hugged me back as best she could given how weak she was. "Dude, are you okay?" Katie wheezed. "Nope," she coughed out. I was holding her so tight, I never wanted to let go. So I didn't "we will talk about this more in the morning," I said glaring at everyone else in the room. Everyone quickly made their way out of the room and I turned my attention back to Mia. The color was already returning to her face "I don't wanna go back to sleep," she said holding onto me tightly. I sighed and started to play with her hair "Then we'll stay up till morning". 


Leo's P.O.V.

"L-Leo come on dude, we've been running all morning" Mikey panted out from beside me. He was right though, we had been running all morning. "Sorry Mikey but you know we have to, this is for your own good," I said slightly out of breath myself. I glanced at Donnie and Raph, they were the ones I was more concerned about. They hadn't told the girls yet, we had been telling them for weeks that they needed to. But anytime we mentioned it they would shush us and tell us they would soon. "So guys, you told the girls about mating season. Right?" I asked, turning my head to my brothers. Raph immediately found the trees more interesting than my question and Donnie simply blushed while looking at the ground. "We told you to tell them weeks ago dudes!" Mikey huffed out shaking his head. "We meant to! We just don't know how to bring it up!" Raph snapped. "I have an idea, hey dudettes in a few weeks we're gonna have raging hormones that make us want nothing but sex for a few weeks. Just thought you should know!" Mikey laughed. "Oh, you little-come here!" Raph yelled and sprinted after Mikey. Mikey screamed and ran away "It was a joke dude chill!". "Alright, what's your excuse?" I said turning my head to Donnie. "I um was busy fixing the barn for us" he stuttered. "And you couldn't find any moment to tell Katie?" I rolled my eyes. "Again we wanted to! But how the hell do you bring that up!?" he panted out. "You better figure it out, because when we get home Mikey and I aren't going to help you" I huffed. This was going to be interesting.

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