Chapter 9

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Donnie's P.O.V.

"Okay this is painful to watch," Katie said swatting my hands away from the watch. I rolled my eyes playfully; this is how it had been for the last hour. Any small mistakes I made, Katie had caught them and corrected either by telling me how to fix them or by taking over long enough to fix them herself. I get she was trying to help, but it was slowly getting on my nerves. Katie leaned over my shoulder and started to fix god knows what. She smelt nice, like a fire after it's been put out. She looked up from the watch and looked at me. "You okay?" she asked leaning away from the watch. I blushed intensely having realized I was staring. "Y-Yep! Are you done yet?" I asked looking away and chuckling nervously. "You bet your ass I am" she replied closing both of the watches as she stood up. Her presence was comforting, yet the guns at her sides made her seem slightly less welcoming. "Time to see if these bad boys work," Katie said smiling as she put on the watch and turned it on."Well, does it work?" I asked crossing my arms. "Yeah, already feeling ten times better" she replied grabbing the other watch. The color had immediately started returning to her face. I watched her walk out of the lab yelling something at Mia. I sat down and smacked my face lightly "What is up with me today?" I said huffing and looking back at my desk. "Never seen you blush so much dude" I flinched and quickly turned around to see Mikey snickering. "You little- I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled turning bright red reaching for my bo-staff. Mikey screamed and ran out of the lab "Katie protect me!" I heard him yell. I walked out of the lab and glared at Mikey who held Katie in front of him. Everyone turned to me and gave me a confused look while Mikey snickered in the background. "I hate you, Mikey" I rolled my eyes walking back into the lab and shutting the door. "UN IS SO VERY CONFUSED" I heard Katie yell from the other room followed by laughter from the others. I laughed lightly myself and sat back down at my desk.

Katie's P.O.V.

"Hey Mia, Katie come here," Leo said getting up from the TV and walking over to the room with the pretty sliding door. I got up following close behind Mia. " Why exactly are we getting up?" Mia asked stretching. "There is someone you should meet since you'll be staying here for a while," Leo said opening the door and walking into the room. Mia walked into the room behind him with me close behind. "Ladies this is our sensei, Master Splinter," Leo said gesturing to the man in front of us. Mia stuck her hand out and smiled "It's very nice to meet you Splinter" she said as I started to feel lightheaded. I felt myself drop to the floor as my eyes shut. "Um is she okay?" I heard Leo say with some slight concern to his voice. "She's fine, just give her a few seconds" Mia replied. Moments later my eyes shot open and I sat up quickly "Dude I just had the weirdest dream, there was a giant rat man and-.....nevermind, not a dream" I said standing up quickly. "Most definitely not a dream" Splinter said smiling at me. "Oh how lovely," I said, I could feel myself falling again. "Okay that is enough social time," Mia said holding me up. I nodded and walked out of the dojo and face planted onto the couch. "Damn dudette, you good?" Mikey asked. "Yep, I think I'll get used to the weird, eventually" I huffed and slammed my face into a pillow. "Trust me, it only gets weirder from here," Mikey said and shrugged. At the time, I didn't realize how weird things would get, but Mikey was right. Shit only got weirder from there.


Mia: so Donnie why were you blushing so much today hmmmmm? *smirks*

Donnie: *glares* oh don't you even start you do the same thing when Ra- 

Mia: *covers his mouth* moving on!!!!!

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