Chapter 17

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Leo's P.O.V.

"Hello, Leonardo." Her voice jolted me awake, I looked around frantically at the room I was in. Stone walls, no clear exit. "Karai?" I growled, standing up. "Welcome to the Courage Slayer. To save your brothers, you'll have to face ninja blades as skilled as your own, which isn't all that formidable. So I cranked up the speed to 100.". It sounded like her, I wanted to believe it was her, but she sounded too void and emotionless. Donnie had been working on a way to get rid of Karai's brain worm for months. I looked up as the blades started to spin around quicker than my eyes could keep up with. I could hear my brothers yelling through the vents, I could hear teeth chattering, and someone was screaming bloody murder. I was filled with dread when I heard Raph "Leo! What do we do?!". He was tired and out of breath, I didn't know how much longer he could hold on. "Just hang on Raph! Donnie, we need some serious sciency stuff fast!" I knelt down lower as to try and avoid the blades as they got lower. "Kinda busy! OW! There's a good chance all of the mechanical and electronic circuits of these traps are tied to each other!". I looked at the blades coming down on me, I thought about all the shit I gave Donnie for not being able to help Karai. The harsh training I put everyone through to prepare us for this situation we weren't even ready for. I held my head in my hands, I had failed everyone. Everyone's future was now in pieces because of me, because of my obsession. I watched the blades get lower and lower until I clenched my fist. My eyes turned white and I focused on the spinning ball of blades. I threw myself forward and pushed against the ball, the ball continued to push me into the floor and I crashed through the floor into the room below me.

Raph's P.O.V.

I threw myself into the wall closets to me shoulder first "MIA?!" I yelled trying to get through to her. I was in a room with stone walls, there was a small camera in the corner. "Alright whoever the fuck did this, your gonna pay!" I snapped trying to break through the wall. Then I heard her voice, that fucking snake, " Raphael, you're inside the first trap, aptly called the Hot Head. Can you figure a way out?" Karai said. "When I get out of here, I'm gonna skin ya and turn you into a belt!" I yelled as the vents on the walls opened and heat began to radiate from them. I had already started to sweat, but I continued trying to push my way through the walls "I need to get to Mia '' she was all I could think about right now. I tried to push through the vents but only succeeded in burning my hands. "Fuck!" I winced and shook my hands in pain. I started to feel lightheaded as I sat against the wall "Leo! What do we do?!" I croaked out, I heard him yell back but all I couldn't make out his words. It was way too damn hot, I could feel the sweat dripping down my arms. "M-Mia" I croaked, she had to be somewhere, I had to get to her. My ears were ringing, my heart was pounding, I didn't have the strength to move. My mind kept making its way back to her, her voice, her smile, just her. I wanted to see her, I wanted to hold her in my arms again. My eyes began to droop, my breathing had become shallow. I wanted to tell her how I felt. I hated myself for not telling her sooner. I needed to tell her, I was going to tell her. I felt myself start to slip away, then Leo crashed into the room. I watched as my brother quickly started to move around the room. "Raph! Are you okay?!" he yelled. I smirked and gave him a weak thumbs up. The rest of his actions were a blur, at some point it started to cool down in the room. Leo helped me up, I threw my arm over his shoulder. Leo was saying something, I couldn't tell what he said. All I felt was our drop into another room.


Mikey: This is getting deep yo...

Mia: kinda scary not gonna lie...

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