Chapter 18

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Mikey's P.O.V.

"Dudes this table is cold!" I yelled as I pulled against the restraints holding me down. I was strapped to a metal table, there was a tank above me, it smelt like sewage. Last, we have the Flush-O-Matic. Once the tanks are full, the flush valve will open and dump mutagen all over your poor, little Michelangelo.". "Alright, that's nasty my dudes!" I yelled and squirmed around more. This always happens, we get captured, my brothers save the day, we go back home. Then the chaos started, I could hear Donnie yelling in pain, Leo was yelling something to Raph, I could hear screaming from one of the girls, and someone's teeth were chattering intensely. Yet I was sitting here waiting for my doom to come. Helpless to save myself, helpless to save the others. The tank of mutagen started to open and I could see the green ooze start to drip out. My mind started to wander, to all the times I could have done something to help my brothers but couldn't. To all the times I tried to help my family but failed. To the skills, I wish I had so I could protect my family. All the times I got in the way of everyone else, I was a failure. I couldn't do anything right. The mutagen started to lower down more and I screamed. "I don't wanna get double mutated!" I yelled thrashing around under the restraints. The mutagen was really close to my face now, then something crashed through the roof to the room. "GUYS HELP ME" I screamed pushing my face down farther. Leo quickly cut off my restraints and pulled me off the table as the mutagen splashed down. "Thanks, dude" I huffed and helped Raph stand up. "Don't mention it, now let's get to Donnie!" Leo said crashing into another room.

Donnie's P.O.V.

"Donatello, are you smart enough to beat the Brain Boggler? Connect the pieces as they appear on the game grid. Make a mistake and you get zapped. Get zapped enough times and then you'll truly know what it feels like to be brain fried." Karai said over the loudspeaker. I looked at colored blocks around me and quickly flipped out of the way as a yellow block landed on a red block. I felt the shock through my entire body, it was painful, like thousands of needles penetrating my skin at once. I could barely hear anything, the helmet muffled a lot of the sound from outside. I could hear everyone in their separate rooms, they were all freaking out. I had to focus, I quickly moved around matching the blocks. Then I heard her scream. I shot up and looked around quickly "Katie?!". My eyes widened as I watched another block fall and felt another painful shock. I ignored it and pulled at the restraints holding my arms down. That was definitely her scream. I had to get to her. I screamed in pain again as another block fell in the wrong place. I couldn't do it, I couldn't get out of this, I wasn't smart enough. Then I heard a crash from the wall next to me. "Guys is that you?!" I asked wincing again. "Yeah, dude it's us we made it out!" Mikey said walking over to me reaching for the helmet. "Don't! If you take the helmet off you'll fry my brain!" I yelled and gripped the arms of the chair tightly. Then Mikey was in the same room as me, "What the hell?!" I said. Mikey started to complete the game, eventually, he finished and I quickly threw the helmet off. "Now let's find the girls" Raph stated slightly out of breath. "Agreed" I replied slamming through another wall. 


Katie: Skeet skerrrrrt

Mia: My knee hurrrrrts

Leo: you guys are crackheads

Mia: awe thanks 

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