Chapter 15

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Shredder's P.O.V.

"YOU LET HER ESCAPE?" I yelled smacking my daughter across the face. Karai slid across the floor, blood flowing out of her back leaving a trail behind her. She put her hands on her neck before her head came into contact with a pillar. You could hear the impact, it sounded like when an ice cube hit the floor. "Not only that but you let her wound you! You are pathetic!" I scoffed. Karai quickly shook it off and stood up. Just as I had taught her. "Father she will not escape again. I assure you I am now better prepared to take her on and bring her back to you" she said not looking up from the floor. "For your sake, I hope so" I spat and sat back down on my throne. "I did manage to get a picture of her though," Karai said handing me a picture, there were bloody fingerprints on it. Most likely Karai's blood. "Go get yourself cleaned up," I said waving her off as I stared down at the picture. Karai slowly walked out of the room, small drops of blood dripping off her. My foot soldiers immediately started to clean up the mess. I smirked and chuckled lightly to myself causing the soldiers to tense slightly. "And here I was thinking you had gotten away from me," I said aloud and stood up. The soldiers immediately moved out of my way as I made my way into the dungeon below the throne room. I grabbed a torch off the wall to light my way as I continued down deeper and deeper into the dungeon. It smelt of waste and the smell burned my nose hairs. After what had seemed like forever I finally stopped in front of a cell. It was dark but you could see the small shadow of a man in the back corner. I smirked, "You really are a pathetic excuse of a man aren't you?" I said throwing the picture of the girl into the cell. The man came forward a bit and inhaled sharply as he looked at the picture. "That's right, I've found your daughter" I laughed as the man pushed himself back into the corner.


Katie: Fuckin plot twist?

Mia: ELMO?

Katie: fucking Elmo

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