Chapter 27

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Donnie's P.O.V.

"Damn Mikey you really need to lay off the pizza" I groaned as I held him up beside me. Leo had told me to get him back as quickly as I could. I didn't argue, Mikey was badly injured, and he needed to rest. I also hated leaving Katie alone for longer than ten minutes. I'm guessing it was mostly paranoia, for having left her alone after we got separated. Within the hour of us having been a couple, I had gotten separated from her, she had gotten hurt, and I held her limp body in my arms. She hadn't woken up once since we got here. I tried talking to her as Mikey did but it didn't feel the same. When I said something about an invention she didn't giggle and call me Brainiac. When I held her hand in mine, she didn't squeeze it slightly to let me know she was okay. Even when I told her about how I fixed something, she didn't wake up to tell me I did it wrong. I chuckled at the thought of her looming over my shoulder, moving me out of the way to fix something for me because I was too slow. I missed it. I helped Mikey sit down on the couch, he was still pale, but he only had a few cuts and bruises. Most likely got them from getting dragged through the woods. I tied his mask back over his eyes and sighed as I grabbed the med-kit. "Thanks, bro," Mikey said looking up at me with a weak smile on his face. I started to patch him up and smiled weakly back at him "No problem Mikey". After a while, the color returned to his face and he only had a slight limp. I put the med-kit away and turned around to see my brother gone. I looked around confused, then looked up the stairs. I could hear him talking to Katie again. Most likely making up some cool story about how he battled a monster and won, even though he got his ass handed to him. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked down at Katie and took her hand in mine and stroked it softly. She was pale, her hair looked dead. The only hint of her being alive was her chest moving in tune with her breathing. "And then I swooped down and saved everybody!" Mikey laughed and started to mock Katie's voice. "Everything you just told me is bullshit". I chuckled, that was a Katie response. Then it happened, her eyes fluttered open and she gasped for air. Mikey and I froze and looked down at her. Then our shocked faces turned into ones one fear. Katie was shaking uncontrollably, my hands started shaking as I rolled her onto her side. "What's going on dude?!" Mikey yelled. "She's having a seizure" I snapped. The door opened downstairs; they must have handled the creep. Mikey stuck his head out of the room "Guys somethings wrong!" he yelled and immediately was by Katie's side again. I heard the other's footsteps as they ran upstairs and into the room. Mia was the first one there, she was pale and couldn't stand up by herself much. Raph was next and he quickly wrapped an arm around her and held her up. I glared at her out of the corner of my eye as she walked over, her lip quivering. " If you cared so much you wouldn't have caused this in the first place," I thought and clenched my fists. Katie was still shaking, and she rolled onto her back. She shouldn't have to go through this, I should have protected her. Then she stopped and smirked "You should... see the look...on your faces" Katie said, her voice weak and raspy. Mikey had tears streaming down his face as he threw his arms around her neck "That wasn't funny dudette!" he sobbed. Katie wheezed a laugh and hugged him back weakly "kinda funny,". "No, it was not!" Mia huffed out wiping the tears from her eyes quickly. I was shocked, but then again I wasn't. Even in such a serious and scary moment, Katie found a way to try and make a joke out of it. Only a minute into being awake. At this moment I was torn between holding her in my arms and never letting her go, and demanding to know why she would scare the hell out of me like that. Katie coughed and struggled to sit up, I came closer to help her and she pushed my hands away "M-Mikey help please..." was all she said. Mikey looked at me apologetically and helped her sit up. Then she glared at me, then at Mia. "Mikey, Leo, Raph. I need to have a word with these two c-can you give us a minute?" Katie said. My brothers looked at Mia and me with concerned expressions, and without a word walked out of the room. "Ah shit, we're in trouble," I thought. Mia's face said the same thing.

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