Mrs. Holly

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Kakyoin's POV

"Ah! There you are Jotaro!" Mrs. Holly told her son cheerfully. Jotaro looks at her for a sec and then fixes his gaze on me. His beautiful eyes were staring at me, I couldn't help but blush, "oh, uh, hey Jotaro!" Mrs. Holly looked at me, concerned. "Kakyoin! Are you all alright! Are you sick? Did you catch a cold or maybe a fever?" She placed her hand on my forehead as she placed her hand on my forehead.

"Mrs. Holly, I'm fine, really! Why do you ask?" "Your face is burning up." Jotaro butted in, "and your forehead is really warm!" Her hand coming off as she said it. I started to feel bad. I was worrying her, "no, really, Mrs. Holly I'm okay." She deeply sighed, "if you say so..." There was a moment of silence. "Sorry" I blurted out subconsciously. "For what? You did nothing wrong, sweetheart." "But I worried-" Mrs. Holly cut me off by making gentle shushing sound, "It's alright, I want to worry about you" I wasn't sure what to say, so I just put my head down. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Holy didn't know what to say either, which is shocking for her.

Jotaro walked over towards me and tapped me on the shoulder, and made a 'follow me' gesture. I walked towards him but stopped mid-way, "uh, Mrs. Holly Jotaro and I was going to head in his room" it was pointless telling her that, but I didn't want to be rude and just leave.

"Oh! Alright! I'll bring you guys some Cherries" I smiled a bit at her comment, "Okay, thank you!" I turned around to where Jotaro was and realized he was waiting for me. I quickly walked towards him and we continued walking to his room. While we were walking, I muttered a quick apology. He gave me a certain look that I could decipher in a second. He gave me a 'for what' look, as Mrs. Holly did. I gave out a quick sigh, "I made you wait and worried you and your mother. Why shouldn't I be sorry." He didn't respond to that. But, the air was tense, I shouldn't have said anything at all.

I wanted to say sorry again but Jotaro would probably get pissed of by me saying it again. I stopped right outside his room, as much as I tried not to say anything, I couldn't help but softly say, "I know you don't care, but still...maybe coming here was a mistake, I should go-" immediately I felt something strong grasp my wrist. "Jotaro-" "no." His voice was colder than ice. He tightened his hand that around my wrist, to the point where it started to hurt.

"J-Jotaro you're hurting me" I tried telling him in the calmest voice that I could. He instantly let go and jerked his arm back and mumbled an apology. I tried to assure him that it was fine but he didn't want to listen. He looked away and I just looked at him with regret. "Jotaro I didn't mean what I sai-" "I got the cherries~!" Mrs. Holly cheerfully butted in. Jotaro glared at her, I could tell he was going to call her a 'bitch'. Knowing this made me glare at him. Mrs. Holly was a wonderful woman who doesn't deserve to be called that. I know she's used to it and that Jotaro doesn't mean it but still. He looked away, with an annoyed look and held out his hands. Mrs. Holly understood what he meant by that motion and handed him the bowl.

"I need to head to the store for a bit, so the house is yours. Please be careful while I'm gone, although, I know you will" she said with a cheerful smile. Her smile was the most precious and prettiest thing I've ever seen. I couldn't help but smile too.

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