Love blossoming pt 1

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It didn't take long for Jotaro and Kakyoin return, by the time they did come, Holly and Avdol finished with breakfast. It was a little different having all of them there, but it was nice.

Joseph was sharing stories about the past, talking about the pillar men, mostly Kars. Polnareff was talking about France. And Holly and Avdol were just listening to the two. Kakyoin and Jotaro, on the other hand, were just talking to each other about pointless things. A.K.A Kakyoin was just talking about video games.

Everything was going fine until Avdol started talking about last night. He went on about how when he was sleeping and he woke up to someone giving him coos in a different language and how he felt something almost like a kiss. Kakyoin instantly stopped his conversation with Jotaro focused his attention on Avdol.

Polnareff's face went white and his heart dropped, almost choking on his food. He was in Kakyoin's situation last night, except it might be a little worse. Attracting the attention of the others, almost making it a bit obvious that Polnareff had something to do with it, to which he quickly dismissed.

But Avdol went on, only making Polnareff's case worse. He tried to bring his attention to something else to make it less obvious who the Egyptian was talking about but it didn't help when Avdol went further.

He described how the man above him oddly sounded like Polnareff, they both shared the same French accent, and how the figure had the same figure as the Frenchman. Kakyoin fixed his gaze on Polnareff to see how he was doing, as he thought, he wasn't good. Kakyoin thought a little bit about how he could make this less bad for Polnareff.

"Well, how did the kiss feel?" Everyone just stopped and looked at Kakyoin, which made the redhead have an anxiety attack. Jotaro could tell that his boyfriend was upset considering his expression and the fact he was shrinking in his chair. Jotaro lowly sighed and spoke up, "yeah, you seem like the person who wouldn't be into that yet you seem pretty chill about it."

Avdol thought for a minute before his cheeks went slightly red. "Although it was done by a's was...nice. I liked it a little bit." Polnareff lost it at that point. The fork his was holding become completely bent over and he gripped the table, almost breaking before Kakyoin sat up getting everyone to look at him again. "Mrs. Holly, can Polnareff and I be excused from the table for a second?" Holly nodded and Kakyoin rushed over to the Frenchman, grabbing his wrist, and dashing into the Hallway.

When they got there, Kakyoin just sighed and breathily told him, "why in the absolute hell did you have to make it so obvious?" The Frenchman crossed his arms and scoffed in a childish manner, "I can't help it" Kakyoin couldn't help but chuckle.

Loud footsteps echoed through the Hallways, both men snapped their heads to the source of the noise, to find none other than, Jotaro. Kakyoin sighed in relief, before greeting him. "Are you two talking about how Polnareff kissed Avdol?" Polnareff just huffed in response, "you can tell?" His tone almost sounding defeated.

"Yeah, it's-" Jotaro was suddenly stopped by some more loud footsteps. He felt a huge metal hand roughly grab his shoulder. He didn't even have to look behind him to see who it was, it was Joseph. Jotaro sighed, "sweet Jesus, what the hell do you want Gramps?" Joseph crossed his arms.

"Wow, that's one way to treat your grandpa!" Jotaro just rolled his eyes before restating the question. Joseph quickly coughed, "well, I came to talk about the Avdol and Polnareff situation." "You too?!" Joseph nodded. Kakyoin chuckled a bit, "now all we need is Mrs. Holl-" "yes?" Holly's sweet voice ringing in Kakyoin's ears, making him jump, "when did you get here..?!" Holly just sweetly smiled, "well I heard my name, and I was coming over here regardless."

Polnareff quickly sighed before questioning what Holly came over to talk about, "oh! You and Avdol!" Polnareff had a look of disappointment, "damn, even Mrs. Holly figured it out" Kakyoin added, only making the situation worse. "All of you found it out?"

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