Festering feelings

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Jolyne softly hummed while happily bouncing on the floor. She was currently getting her hair braided by Kakyoin. "JoJo!" The older man said, slightly chuckling. Jolyne laughed with him. "Whaaaat?" Her tone more childish than usual. Kakyoin chuckled again, "you're bouncing so much, I can barely do your hair!"

Jolyne looked at him for a moment before sticking her tongue out at him. Kakyoin let out a fake gasp and put his hand on his chest dramatically. They sat in silence for about a second before the two burst out in laughter. After about a minute, Kakyoin went back to doing Jolyne's hair.

"Hey, Nori?"

"Yeah, JoJo?"

"Where did learn how to do hair?"

"That's...unexpected but Mr. Caesar taught me a while back."

"Mr. Caesar?"

"Oh, right, your great grandpa. The one with the bandana"


There was a silence between the two. The only thing that could be heard was the faint sound of birds outside their house, chirping a peaceful melody. Kakyoin broke the silence, "why?"

"Well, I wanted to learn from you"

Kakyoin was quiet for a minute, "I'm not as good as Mr. Caesar is or Mrs. Holly."

Jolyne was about to say something when she was cut off by loud footsteps. The two turned their head, it was Jotaro. Kakyoin gave him a small smile, "well I see someone is up" Jotaro gave a small chuckle and sat next to the two on the floor.

Jolyne hugged him as soon as he sat down, in return he patted her head, getting a small laugh. Kakyoin finished the last braid and tied up her hair. "There." Jolyne got up almost immediately and ran off somewhere. Kakyoin smiled as she ran off, "since when did you learn how to do hair?"

"Ah, Mr. Caesar taught me." Jotaro's face changed, Kakyoin sighed. "What even happened to him?"

"I have no clue, to be honest. Gramps is a wreck without him."

"I can tell...I hope Mrs. Holly is doing okay. I know she was upset when she left."

"Yeah, I know. I don't even think I've seen my mother cry that hard." Kakyoin's expression changed quickly, "what?"

"My mother doesn't really cry and when she has it's only been for a couple of minutes. But whenever shes cried it was always for little things but this is different."

Kakyoin nodded, the two sat there for a minute before Kakyoin started chuckling to himself, earning the attention of Jotaro. Kakyoin noticed Jotaro looking at him like he was crazy, "oh it's nothing I was just thinking about something Mrs. Holly told me"

Jotaro gave him a confused expression, signaling that he wanted him it. "Well it's not really that funny, but I was thinking about when Mrs. Holly told me how she stuck a cockroach in his hair and he freaked out"


"Well, she didn't like him when she was younger. She always thought he was trying to replace her mother, Suzi"

"But why a bug-" then a moment of realization hit Jotaro, "oh."

"Yeah...she told me she use to do things like that before she really got to know Mr. Caesar, then she was really close to him." Kakyoin let out a small sigh. "It must be hard for her right now. Considering what happened last night, Mr. Caesar and Mr. Joestar might get a divorce and after that, Mr. Caesar wouldn't be her stepdad."

Jotaro nodded in response. "Well, let's just hope it doesn't come to that and they find a way to work it out." "Yeah." Silence filled the room, what was there really to say.

Kakyoin hated it, he hated the silence. Thankfully Jolyne came back into the room and broke it. She sat in the middle of the two before stating, "I'm bored."

Kakyoin laughed, "well you could do a lot of things. You could draw or watch a movie or-"

"Watch a dolphin documentary-"


Awkward silence filled the room, Kakyoin coughed, breaking the silence. "I'll just draw or something."

"You could draw with me if you'd like. " Jolyne nodded happily and with that Kakyoin got up and went to go get art supply. Jotaro let out a chuckle he got up and headed to the front door. "I need to get to work now, I'll see you two later tonight." Jolyne nodded and was left alone for a bit. She thought about somethings she never really thought about, which were her family problems. She contemplated last night. She heard all of it, everything Caesar said to Joseph. She knew what all of it meant, she wasn't stupid. Her thoughts soon shifted when she thought about her dad, Jotaro. The feeling of anger suddenly came to her when she thought about how many times he wasn't there for her. The feeling festered and grew worse to the point where she wanted to punch him. As mad as she was this new discovery, she wanted his attention. (foreshadowing-)

Her thoughts were suddenly stopped by Kakyoin walking in, "JoJo, I'm back!" she turned her head swiftly, to find her soon to be a stepdad. She smiled sweetly and hugged him much like what she did to Jotaro except this time he hugged her back. He let go and handed her some paper and a pencil, "hey, wheres your dad?" "Oh, he said he was going to work." Kakyoin let out a low huffed, "okay..."


Kakyoin softly suspired. He plopped down on his bed making it mattress jump slightly. He shut his eyes slowly, hoping to fall asleep. But he never did. He heard a door open and footsteps coming towards the room. He didn't bother to open his eyes. Jotaro soon came in, opening the door as quietly as he could but it only made a loud creak causing Kakyoin to jump. He looked at his finacé, startled. Jotaro chuckled quietly, easing the redhead a bit. "It's late...shouldn't you be asleep?" Kakyoin looked at the taller man with an indescribable facial expression. "I should ask you the same thing Mr. Kujo."

Jotaro cringed at his last name. He huffed loudly before sitting down next to Kakyoin on the bed. "I had to work, what's your excuse?" "I just can't sleep and there's nothing I could really do," Jotaro smirked at the comment. He pressed a small kiss later turning into a small bite on Kakyoin's Jawline causing Kakyoin to jump. "I could think of a few things" Kakyoin scoffed and pushed Jotaro of, "you're such a pervert." Jotaro let out a small chuckle, "you did say you wanted another child." Kakyoin sighed slightly rolling his eyes before kissing him softly. "Fine."

This chapter was suggested by Sinnamon_Pancake, i thought it was pretty fun writing it. Originally i was going to write smut for this chapter (which was the reason i asked if people wanted it) but i realized it would take me about a week to write and then i would have to edit it and fix mistakes and shit and it would take forever.

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