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Small little thing so people don't get confused, this chapter takes place (specifically 5) months after Kakyoin told Jolyne about the eggbaby.


Holly had woken up by the sound of her phone. She groaned slightly, not wanting to be awake. She reached her hand onto the stand next to her, feeling for her phone. Once she got a hold of it she answered it, grumbling a hello.

A worried Kakyoin answered her, which woke her up immediately. He asked her if he could come over, to which was an automatic yes. With that, she heard rustling on the other side of the phone and the call was over.


Holly patiently waited for Kakyoin in her living room. She soon got the knock she was waiting for to which she answered instantly. They both sat in her living room now in silence. "So, Mrs. Holly, came here to ask you something about pregnancy."

Holly nodded a bit. She was a bit educated on the topic considering she was once pregnant herself and she had to help Jotaro's ex-girlfriend with her pregnancy. "What did you want to ask me?" Kakyoin's gaze shifted to his stomach, he looked at it with concern. "I...well. It's about my stomach. I...feel like it's..." Kakyoin stopped himself. He didn't really know how to explain what he wanted to say.

Holly looked down at his stomach to see what he was concerned about. She let out a small gasp when she saw it. "Noriaki, how long have you been pregnant?" "About six months." Her expression formed into a mixture of concern and confusion, which piqued Kakyoin's interest.

"Is something the matter?"

"...Why do you look nine months pregnant?"

Kakyoin almost choked, he knew his stomach was pretty big for how long he's been pregnant but he didn't think he looked like he was nine months. Holly placed her hand on his stomach feeling it a little. "By the looks of're child has fully matured"

Kakyoin's eyes widen at the statement. The thought, for some reason, didn't cross his mind. He was about to say something when he felt the worse cramp he had ever experienced. He grabbed his stomach and bent over. Soon he felt a horrible, unfamiliar pain in his back causing him to scream in pain. Holly, at this point, was trying to help him. She couldn't tell what was wrong until she saw a liquid going down his leg.

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