"Nori, you are family"

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This is gonna be a small Christmas chapter, I figured I'd do something for today. And God so helps me if anyone makes milf hunter Kakyoin jokes.


It had been a while since Jotaro in Kakyoin started dating. 2 years exactly. They both graduated from high school and went to college. Jotaro was studying Marine biology and Kakyoin was studying art. Both of their colleges were pretty close to each other, still pretty far but if you were driving it would take about 15 minutes.

The real problem was that the two were to be extremely busy and didn't have to much time to hang out or really even talk. Which saddened Kakyoin.

Today was one of the most festive days of the year, or it was the day before that special day. Today was Christmas Eve. And Kakyoin was alone. He was always alone on Christmas so it never bothered him. The only problem was, he really wanted to spend time with Jotaro and Holly and of course the rest of the gang.

But he figured that they were all busy and that he would have to give them their gifts later. He looked at the foot of his bed, to find the gift he was going to give Holly. It was a small rose necklace that they found and she called beautiful when they were going down that one time.

The rose was made out of ruby and its chain was made of real gold. It was really expensive and he saved up a lot just to get it for her. He picked up the box it was in and smiled at it. He really wanted to give it to her.

He decided that he would drop by and give it to her if she was home.


Kakyoin was a little scared to knock. If she was doing something with her family, then, he would be disturbing her. He let out a shaky sigh before gently knocking on the door. He waited a good 3 minutes before the door opened. Holly was a bit confused when she first opened it, but when she saw who it was, she gave him a warm smile. Holly pulled the redhead into a tight hug, Kakyoin hugged her back instantly. Kakyoin put his head under Holly's and snuggled into the neck. Holly smiled again, placing her head on top of his, kissing it slightly, making Kakyoin slightly chuckle.

"Nori! I didn't expect you to come over!" She paused for a minute, "does your family know that you're here?" Kakyoin's facial expression saddened and he shook his head no. "My family always go places on Christmas without me, so, I'm always alone..." Holly's smile faded and she looked sad herself. She stayed quiet for a bit longer. "But-" Kakyoin got up, "I came to give you this. I should've brought Jotaro's present so you could give it to him, but I didn't so I'll give it to him whenever I see him." Kakyoin pulled the box out of his pocket when he finished talking and handed it to Holly.

She opened it and gasped, "Nori...it's beautiful. Is this the one we saw when we went around town?" Kakyoin nodded, her smile returned, making Kakyoin smile. That's when an idea popped into her head, "Hey, Nori...would you like to spend Christmas with me and my family? Polnareff and Avdol will be there too." Kakyoin's face lit up at the comment. He looked to the side and sighed. "As much as I want to...I can't Mrs. Holly...that's your family and I shouldn't impose on that-" "you're not imposing on anything, Nori, you are family, to me and Jotaro. Even if you and Jotaro weren't dating, you'd still be my son" she pulled him into another hug, "So, please...come join us...you don't have to be alone."

That was it. Kakyoin was going to spend Christmas with the Joestars...and Polnareff and Avdol.


Kakyoin found out soon after the comforting from Holly that she was going to New York to go to her father's house to stay for the week along with Jotaro, Avdol, and Polnareff. She called her father and asked if Kakyoin could join them and he hesitantly agreed. They were going to leave in a few minutes, 30 minutes exactly. Which left Kakyoin little time to pack. Holly drove him to his house and waited patiently for him to finish. They quickly drove back and Holly had to finish her packing. They only had 5 minutes to get there by this point so they booked it.


They manage to make it in time, and most of the time, the flight was silent. Until Kakyoin broke the silence, "what was it like to live with Mr. Joestar?" "Huh?" Was Holly's only response, the question caught her off guard. "I mean, you two seem really close and he really cares about you, so it seems like you had a really good childhood and I was a little curious about what exactly it was like." Holly paused for a minute, thinking. "It was nice. It was a little rough when I was five, but after that, it was...peaceful"

Kakyoin was curious about what she meant by rough, his thoughts escaped his mouth when he suddenly said "...rough- oh wait no I-" "my mother died when I was five..." sadness filled her tone. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Holly, I didn't mean to say that, really, it just slipped." Holly faked a smile, "No, no, it's alright. You would've found out some way or another. Plus, now I have Mr. Caesar in my life." "Mr. Caesar?" Her smile was genuine now, "oh, Mr. Caesar is my step-dad. Though I don't call him that when I'm around him." Kakyoin nodded, still feeling bad that he made Holly upset.


It took 17 hours for the two to get to New york. Of course, the two were extremely tired when they arrived but managed. It took them some time to walk to the Joestar's house due to their jet lag but a short time of 45 minutes they finally got there. Kakyoin stared in awe at the mansion, he knew that Joseph was rich but not that rich. He was a little scared about going, still feeling unwanted but Holly convinced him. Holly reached into her purse, looking for her keys, which took her longer than usual because of her pure exhaustion, but she found them. She hastily turned her keys and the knob. Kakyoin was once again in awe, surprised at how it was bigger in the inside than out.

Holly and Kakyoin made their way over to the living room where they were instantly greeted by Caesar. It was a little awkward at first between the blond and redhead considering this was their first meeting. "Ah, so you must be the person my daughter was talking about?" Kakyoin nodded slightly, a little scared by him. Holly smiled, "Dad, this is Noriaki Kakyoin. But he mostly gets called Nori or Kakyoin." Caesar nodded, "I'm Caesar Zeppeli-Joestar, it's nice to meet you" Caesar brought out his hand, Kakyoin hesitantly grabbed it and they shook.

Holly smiled and went off to talk to Avdol and Polnareff, leaving Kakyoin alone...with Caesar. The two men turned their heads as Holly left. Caesar turned back to the redhead. "So...how do you know my daughter?"

Oh God, not this

Kakyoin gulped slightly, before letting out a shaky "um..." making Caesar cock an eyebrow. "Well...uh...I was one of the people who helped save Mrs-" the redhead was suddenly cut off by a "yare yare daze" and a loud "oh my God!" Both men turned their heads to find Jotaro and Joseph. "Kakyoin!" Joseph yelled, whilst walking over to him, pulling him into a headlock and ruffling his hair. "I see Holly got you to come over! We're happy to have ya!" Kakyoin smiled a bit before nodding, or at least the best he could.

Caesar gave his husband a confused look, he didn't know about Joseph's and Kakyoin's friendship considering Joseph didn't really tell Caesar about his trip to Egypt. The British man noticed this and gave the blond man a doopy grin and let Kakyoin go, as soon as he was free he immediately ran to Jotaro. "ah, I didn't tell you did I? Kakyoin was one of the people to help us save Holly he's also Jotaro's-" Joseph paused and pointed slightly to the couple, who at the moment was hugging, "boyfriend."

Caesar let out surprised gasp type noise, "why didn't you tell me that sooner, you idiota!"

"Eh- what's with the sudden change of attitude! I just forgot okay?!"




Kakyoin and Jotaro just looked at the sight, Kakyoin chuckled at it slightly. "Wow, they really are an old married couple. Do they always do this?" Jotaro nodded, "every time I'm around Gramps and Grandpa they always argue about stupid things. It kinda confuses me how their marriage works but it just does. Grandpa is really nice though, just...hot headed." Kakyoin chuckled slightly, "I can see that. Can I tell you something?" "Mhm," Kakyoin paused for a bit, "I really like your family, they all seem really fun. I would die to have people like them be my family." "Trust me, they'll be your family soon." Kakyoin turned to Jotaro making an "eh?" sound. Jotaro just dismissed it.

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