Horrible feelings

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I swear to God if people think i have a male pregnancy fetish after this i'm going to jump out off a roof


4 weeks have passed since that hospital incident and Kakyoin had been getting horrible feelings. He started getting sudden food cravings for things that are pretty unusual for him, such as lemons or chips sometimes even peanut butter. He also started to feel a lot more tired, making it hard to do normal things. It didn't stop there, he started to feel very nauseous at random times, mostly in the morning.

Jolyne and Jotaro started noticing his weird behavior, it concerned Jotaro greatly but just made Jolyne curious. Kakyoin hated everything that was happening to him, as the days went on more horrible feelings like his chest swelling and becoming sensitive or food aversions. He started to become slightly moody as well. Kakyoin mostly just got an attitude that annoyed the absolute hell out of Jotaro, but, he tried not to get too upset.

And the worst feeling of all is his cramps. They were the worst pains he's ever dealt with. They started off small and then turned terribly painful.

Smol 8 week time skip

Polnareff, Avdol, Holly, and the Joestar's wanted to spend time with the couple. Jolyne was spending time with her mother, so it would just be Kakyoin and Jotaro.

Jotaro didn't really want to go out but he did want to see his mom again, as much as he doesn't want to admit it. Of course, Kakyoin was more than happy to spend time with them at first, and then the mood swings kicked in. And Jotaro had to drag him out.

They had planned to go to Holly's house, which was pretty far from their house so it took them a while, a little longer than usual considering Kakyoin's stubbornness. By the time they got there, everyone had arrived.

Kakyoin kept to himself and didn't get into the conversation unless someone had talked to him, to which he only gave one-word answers.

"Geez, Kakyoin, you're awfully quiet. Weren't you excited a couple of hours ago about this?" Polnareff joked.

Kakyoin didn't answer but just had a pissed-off expression.

"He's being moody right now," Jotaro answered for him.

Polnareff was about to make a "are you on your period joke" until Kakyoin made a loud wincing sound before gripping his stomach tightly, also falling off the couch he was on.

Everyone ran to his aid. Holly, being the closest to him, helped him up and laid him down. Kakyoin was having another cramp and he hated it.

"Wow, Kakyoin, are you pregnant or something?" Polareff joked.

"Polareff now isn't the-"

"What the hell happened here?" Caesar interjected, everyone looked at him.

"Oh, dad, Nori is having a bad stomach ache"

Caesar looked at him, curiously. That's when he realized it. It shocked him no one else noticed. The blonde man walked up to the redhead, sitting on his knees. He took a closer look before pressing his hands to Kakyoin's stomach.

Kakyoin gasped at the sudden touch. Holly, Avdol, and Polareff were shocked at the man's actions. And Jotaro and Joseph were upset at the sight. Jotaro was mad that his fiancé was being touched and Joseph was mad that Caesar was touching another man like *that*.

"Caesar, what the hell-!" Joseph was pissed. His husband just ignored him, still feeling and pressing around the young boy's stomach until he felt what he was looking for. His eyes widened and muttered something to Kakyoin in a low voice. Kakyoin looked to the side before responding quietly. Holly was the only one to hear the conversation. She wheezed once she heard what was happening. Caesar took his hands off the boy's stomach and stood up, "I see." Was the only thing he said before he went to sit next to his husband, who was furious.

"What the hell was that about?" Polareff questioned.

"Kakyoin's pregnant." The blonde man said calmly.

Everyone went silent.

Jotaro's face had a facial expression that had a mixture of emotions.

Polnareff's was agape.

Avdol just looked at Kakyoin, then his stomach.

Joseph just looked at the Italian man.

Then everyone but Caesar looked at Kakyoin's stomach. He felt embarrassed and covered it with a pillow on the couch.

Polnareff was the first to talk, "since when?!" Kakyoin stayed quiet, not wanting to answer. He looked at Caesar, hoping that he would tell them. He only sighed, "he's been pregnant for three months now." Kakyoin turned so that he wasn't facing anyone.

"What?!" That was Jotaro. He could tell. Kakyoin just clenched his eyes shut hoping that this would all stop. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

"Holy shit, you told no one?!" Polareff.

"Kakyoin, you've at least told someone" Joseph.

"Guys stop, he's already a little stressed by this, this is just making it worse. He didn't want to tell anyone because he was scared on how you guys would take it. Mostly you Jotaro." Caesar, he was happy that he was this understanding.

"Miele, it's okay. No one is mad at you, we're all just shocked. If it's stressing you too much I can take you home. You really don't need this pressure, it's not good for your child." She muttered, extremely quietly just so he could hear.

Kakyoin nodded, "I'm sorry..." Was the only thing he could say at that moment, he wanted to cry so badly. Holly sadly smiled, "don't be." She turned to the group, "I'm going to take Nori home. He's really upset right now and we both think it's best if he goes."

The whole group nodded, their expressions a little sad. Jotaro stood up and scooped up his now pregnant lover bringing him close to his body.

"Mom, it's alright I can-"

"No, no. I don't want to trouble you. I can take him."

The Marine Biologist sighed. He looked at the redhead who was snuggled up in his chest. Though he couldn't see Jotaro, he knew he was staring. "You should stay here. It's been a while since you've spent time with your mom and the rest of your family. I want to be alone right now anyway." Jotaro sighed again. "Fine...I'll help you put him in the car at least."

Holly nodded in agreement. Kakyoin knew when Jotaro got home, they were going to have a talk.

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