Creation Of Beauty

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Originally i planned to write smut for this but when i was writing it i was beyond sleep deprived which resulting in the writing being horrible. It just came out as repetitive and painful to read plus...........shit was getting weird, so for mine and everyone else's sanity that shit is never getting posted and we can all just pretend that it was never thought of.


Kakyoin felt a shooting pain in his lower half as he tried to sit up. A feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. He also woke up with the worse possible cramp anyone can imagine. The pain in his abdomen was the initial reason he got up in the first place. He clenched his stomach tightly, trying to bear the pain. He shifted a bit trying to get into a more comfortable position which only made the situation worse. The pain from his lower half shot back up, causing him to wince almost scream, loudly. Jotaro jump at the sound of his fiance hurt.

He grabbed Kakyoin by the shoulder, rubbing them attempting to comfort him. Kakyoin shakily let out huffed and tried his best to calm down. Jotaro placed a soft kiss on the redhead's cheekbone before asking him what the hell happened. Kakyoin gave him a sweet smile, "I'm alright, really. I just have a cramp and I can't move without dying." Jotaro cracked a small smile, "damn, what are you? A virgin?" Kakyoin's happy face turned into a scowl making Jotaro chuckle. "Okay, okay. I'll help. C'mon" Jotaro picked him as he finished his last sentence.


Weeks passed since that night, it had almost been a month, and the cramps got worse. Other feelings started arriving as well. He felt like he was pregnant, to which he was. It wasn't confirmed, considering he had been getting the symptoms of a pregnant person, he knew those feelings all too well. He also noticed that he started getting 'pudgier' in his stomach area. There wasn't a doubt that he was pregnant. Jotaro was the only other person who knew about the baby. They both wanted to wait to tell the others about the child, though Holly, Avdol, Caesar, and Jolyne caught on.


Jotaro had left about two hours ago for work, leaving Kakyoin and Jolyne in the house together. Kakyoin was in his room, reading something when Jolyne burst into the room, startling him. A warm smile crept on his face as he saw the blond girl. "Hey Nori, can we talk?" Kakyoin nodded and scooted over on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Jolyne followed short, sitting down awkwardly. "So, what did you wanna talk about, JoJo?"

Jolyne took a sharp breath, "well, I wanted to ask you...are you pregnant?" Kakyoin almost choked at the bluntness of the question. He coughed awkwardly, "why do you ask?" Kakyoin's voice sounded shakier than usual. Jolyne pointed at his stomach, mainly the bump on his stomach. "You also get morning sickness and mood swings. Kinda like the last time you were pregnant."

Kakyoin sighed. He would have to come clean with her.

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